Yes, There is a way to download your Pokemon team from the gba game to the ds cart, meaning you can play on with your old Pokemon.
When playing the Pokeman light platinum destroy huge rocks you have to use route 509.
you need to put it into the action replay, it will tell you
Most likely not, unless you're playing Platinum on a standard DS, due to lag issues.
You insert the DS game card into the system and click the on button. Select it from the menu that appears and start playing the game.
what are u talkign about?!?!?! Pokemon platinum is a game like Pokemon diamond and pearl yeah, the person before is right, all you have to do is buy the game, put it in your DS (or DS lite, dsi, dsiXL, or another one) turn it on, and your playing it, so why you asked if it's this simple, I don't know.
An RPG (role-playing game) made for the Nintendo DS. Pokemon Platinum version, along with it's prequels Diamond and Pearl, are part of the successful Pokemon franchise.
keep playing, no stuff... xD
you have to be playing with a friend to see him or her down there
You question is very vague. Do you mean the plot or the basic concept of playing a Pokemon game?
use your mouse to click flee...
Pokemon Platinum is just the 3rd generation of Sinnoh, just like Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Emerald and now Pokemon Platinum is just a re-playing of the series, but more things to do, rumor has it that Platinum is a multi-region game that MAY let you access the Johto Region. However it has NOT BEEN CONFIRMED yet if it can access Johto, since it is a rumor.
Pokemon platinum in japan fall 2008 spring 2099 in us
press l and r while playing the game
When playing the Pokeman light platinum destroy huge rocks you have to use route 509.
it helps the action replat identify the game your playing
If your playing Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, you'll never see him again, but if your playing Pokemon Platinum you can battle him and the gym leaders in the resturaunt in the Survival area.
You can't actually trade Pokemon between Pokemon white and Pokemon platinum. The only way to get your Pokemon from Pokemon platinum to white is to use the pokeshifter. The pokeshifter can be found in a lab to the west of white forest (or black city if you are playing Pokemon black). You can get to these places after you finish the main story. When transporting Pokemon using the pokeshifter the Pokemon can't know HM's and if they are holding items the items will be taken from your Pokemon on platinum and placed in your bag also, you have to transport 6 Pokemon at a time. The scientist will tell you about the rules of transporting Pokemon when you get there anyway. Hope this helped!