No, it evolves at level 24 into Gabite, which evolves into Garchomp at level 48
probably around the sinnoh league when its battling against someone
Whatever you want. but with a Pokemon like that you should level it and evolve it.
First find a gible in the hidden wayward cave below cycling road. Then raise the gible up to level 24, then it will evolve into gabite. Then raise the gabite up to level 48 then it will evolve into garchomp.
Gible evolve to Gabite at level 24 and Gabite evolve to Garchomp at level 48
evolve gible go under cyling road to find him
Yes it can evolve into Espeon during the day [with maximum friendship] or Umbreon during the night [with maximum friendship]. It can also evolve into Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon with a Fire, Water, or Thunder Stone, respectively.
evolve gible
Riolu doesn't evolve at a specific level. It evolves with maximum friendship.
gible evolve to gabite at level 28 and gabite evolve to garchomp at level 48
You evolve gible at 24 and gabite evolves at 48
Gible evolves into Gabite at level 24.
Gible > lvl 24 > Gabite > lvl 48 > Garchomp
yup. it evolves into Gabite.
Gible evolves at level 24 into Gabite and at level 48 he evolves into Garchomp.