01. Red DigiEgg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Koromon, Gigimon, Chicomon, Agumon
02. Brown DigiEgg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Tsunomon, Dorimon, Wanyamon, Gaomon
03. Blue DigiEgg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Poyomon, Otamamon, Syakomon, Kamemon
04. Skyblue DigiEgg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Tokomon, Biyomon, Penmon, Falcomon
05. Green DigiEgg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Tanemon, Budmon, Minomon, Raramon
06. Grey DigiEgg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Kapurimon, PawnChessmonWH, PawnChessmonBK, Gotsumon
07. Purple DigiEgg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Pagumon, Botamon, Chocomon/Kokomon, Tsukaimon
08. Pink DigiEgg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon
Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+
Hatched Digimon: Gummymon, Puttomon, Kudamon, Plotmon/Salamon
09. Claw Patterned Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Agumon, Guilmon, Veemon, DORUmon
10. Fang Patterned Egg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Beast EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Gabumon, Gaomon, Terrirmon, Monodramon
11. Sea Patterned Egg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Aquan EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: SnowAgumon, Betamon, SnowGoburimon, Kotemon
12. Cloud Patterned Egg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Bird EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Hawkmon, Biyomon, Muchomon, Tentomon
13. Forest Patterned Egg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Insect/Plant EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Wormmon, Mushroomon, Alraunemon, Penmon
14. Mecha Patterned Egg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Machine EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Gotsumon, ToyAgumon, ToyAgumonB, Kamemon
15. Evil Patterned Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Dark EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: PicoDevimon, Impmon, Keramon, Renamon
16. Holy Patterned Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon Lv15+
Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+
Hatching Requirements: Holy EXP 200+
Hatched Digimon: Kudamon, Plotmon/Salamon ,Tapirmon, Lopmon
17. Dragon DigiEgg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Atk 145+, Dragon EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Monochromon, Growlmon, DORUgamon
18. Beast DigiEgg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Speed 115+, Beast EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Hanumon, Wendigomon, MudFrigimon, Dinohumon
19. Aquan DigiEgg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 120+, Aquan EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Dolphmon, IceDevimon, Coelamon, Hookmon
20. Bird DigiEgg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Speed 120+, Bird EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Saberdramon, Peckmon, Kiwimon, Sunflowmon
21. Insect/Plant DigiEgg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Defense 125+, Insect/Plant EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Togemon, Kuwagamon, Kabuterimon, Kiwimon
22. Machine DigiEgg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Defense 145+, Machine EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Clockmon, Thunderballmon, Deputymon, Gwappamon
23. Dark DigiEgg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Attack 145+, Dark EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Devimon, Chrysalimon/Kurisarimon, DarkRizamon, Sorcerymon
24. Holy DigiEgg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon LV25+
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon LV25+
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 125+, Holy EXP 400+
Hatched Digimon: Angemon, Tailmon/Gatomon, Starmon, Wizardmon
25. Dragon's Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Greymon
Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon that is at Lv25+
Hatching Requirements: Lv15, Dragon EXP 500+
Hatched Digimon: DORUgremon, Triceramon, Vermillimon
26. Nature's Egg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Ogremon
Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon with over 30 Apt
Hatching Requirements: Lv12, Beast EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: WereGarurumon, Kyukimon, Pandamon
27. Deep Egg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Ikkakkumon
Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon with over 450 HP
Hatching Requirements: HP 300+, Water EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: Shaujinmon, Divermon, Brachiomon
28. Wind Egg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Aquilamon
Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon with over 140 Spd
Hatching Requirements: Speed 170+, Bird EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: Garudamon, Sinduramon, Silphymon
29. Jungle Egg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: Sunflowmon
Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon with over 800 MP
Hatching Requirements: MP 300+, Insect/Plant EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: AlturKabuterimonRed, Arachnemon/Arukenimon, Cherrymon
30. Metal Egg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Guardromon
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon with over 130 Def
Hatching Requirements: Def 180+, Machine EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: BishopChessmon, RookChessmon, Meteormon
31. Nightmare Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Vilemon
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon with over 150 Spr
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 160+, Dark EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: Vamdemon, SkullGreymon, LadyDevimon
32. Busters Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Angemon
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon with over 150 Atk
Hatching Requirements: Attack 190+, Holy EXP 800+
Hatched Digimon: Taomon, Qilinmon, HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon
33. DB Half-Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at LV45+
Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon at Lv45+
Hatching Requirements: Dragon & Bird EXP at 1500+ each
Hatched Digimon: ImperialdramonDM, ImperialdramonDB, Valkyriemon
34. BI Half-Egg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon at Lv45+
Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon at Lv45+
Hatching Requirements: Beast & Insect/Plant EXP at 1500+ Each
Hatched Digimon: MetalGarurumon, GranKuwagamon, MetalEtemon
35. WA Half-Egg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon at Lv45+
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv45+
Hatching Requirements: Aquan & Holy EXP at 1500+ each
Hatched Digimon: Plesiomon, Anubimon/Anubismon, Vikemon
36. DM Half-Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon at Lv45+
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv45+
Hatching Requirements: Dark & Machine EXP at 1500+ each
Hatched Digimon: Deathmon/Ghoulmon, HiAndromon, BelialVamdemon/MaloMyotismon
37. Gold DigiEgg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv60+
Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon at Lv60+
Hatching Requirements: HP 600+, Dragon EXP 5000+
Hatched Digimon: WarGreymon, BlackWarGreymon, ImperialdramonFM,
38. Silver DigiEgg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon at Lv60+
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv60+
Hatching Requirements: Speed 220+, Holy EXP 5000+
Hatched Digimon: Gallantmon, GallantmonCM, SlashAngemon, Knightmon
39. Kabuto Egg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: AlturKabuterimonRed
Required Digimon 2: Ookuwamon
Hatching Requirements: Def 230+, Ins/Plant EXP 3000+
Hatched Digimon: HeracleKabuterimon/HerculesKabuterimon, GranKuwagamon,
Kongoumon, Tentomon
40. Rainbow Egg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon @ Lv50+
Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon @ Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Bird EXP 6000+
Hatched Digimon: Phoenixmon, Eaglemon, Valdurmon, Gryphomon
41. Chrono Egg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: ChronomonHM
Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon at Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Holy & Bird EXP at 2500+ each
Hatched Digimon: ChronomonHM, Chicchimon, Digitamamon
42. Chaos Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Deathmon/Ghoulmon
Required Digimon 2: DeathmonB/GhoulmonB
Hatching Requirements: Def 230+, Dark EXP 5000+
Hatched Digimon: ChaosGallantmon, Devitamamon, Piedmon, Chaosmon
43. Pail Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: XVmon/ExVeemon
Required Digimon 2: Stingmon
Hatching Requirements: Dragon & Ins/Plant EXP at 300+ each
Hatched Digimon: Paildramon, Dinobeemon, Exveemon/XVmon, Stingmon
44. Royal Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon at Lv90+
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv90+
Hatching Requirements: Attack 300+, Holy EXP 10000+
Hatched Digimon: Omnimon/Omegamon, Alphamon, Sleipmon, Duftmon
45. Baby Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Apollomon
Required Digimon 2: Dianamon
Hatching Requirements: Holy & Dark EXP at 100+ each
Hatched Digimon: Sunmon, Moonmon
46. Hero Egg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Digimon with 1200+ HP & Cool personality
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv40+
Hatching Requirements: HP 450+
Hatched Digimon: Justimon, SuperStarmon, GrappLeomon
47. Angel Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon Lv50+
Required Digimon 2: Angewomon Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 220+, Holy EXP 8000+
Hatched Digimon: Seraphimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon (Good)
48. Savers Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Lv60+ Digimon
Required Digimon 2: Lv60+ Digimon
Hatching Requirements: Egg is at Lv30+
Hatched Digimon: ShineGreymon, MirageGaogamon, Rosemon, Ravemon
49. Aqua Egg (Aquan)
Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon at Lv50+
Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon at Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Aquan EXP 6000+
Hatched Digimon: Neptunmon, MetalSeadramon, MarineAngemon, JumboGamemon
50. Tusk Egg (Beast)
Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon at Lv60+
Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon at Lv60+
Hatching Requirements: Beast EXP 6000+
Hatched Digimon: BantyoLeomon/BanchouLeomon, SaberLeomon, SkullMammothmon,
51. Machine Egg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon at Lv60+
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv60+
Hatching Requirements: Machine EXP 6000+
Hatched Digimon: Puppetmon, Machinedramon, Ebemon, Boltmon
52. Demon Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon at Lv75+
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv75+
Hatching Requirements: Attack 290+, Dark EXP 10000+
Hatched Digimon: Daemon/Creepymon, Beelzemon, Lilithmon, LucemonCM
53. Calamity Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon with 40+ Aptitude
Required Digimon 2: Infermon
Hatching Requirements: Dark EXP 300+
Hatched Digimon: Kuramon, Tsumemon, Armageddemon
54. Wafuu Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon with 300+ Spirit
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 200+, Tallied Species EXP 8000+
Hatched Digimon: Susanoomon, Shakkoumon, Karatenmon, Kabukimon
55. Kaizer Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv40+
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv40+
Hatching Requirements: Lv15+, Dark EXP 1200+
Hatched Digimon: Kimeramon, SkullGreymon, Airdramon
56. Millenia Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Machinedramon
Required Digimon 2: Kimeramon
Hatching Requirements: Spirit 250+, Dark EXP 8000+
Hatched Digimon: Milleniumon, Moon=Milleniumon, ZeedMilleniumon
57. Heroine Egg (Insect/Plant)
Required Digimon 1: Digimon with 1200+ MP & an Obedient personality
Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon
Hatching Requirements: 500+ MP
Hatched Digimon: Lotusmon, Sakuyamon, Minervamon, Lilymon
58. Black Coloured Egg (Bird)
Required Digimon 1: Saberdramon
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv30+
Hatching Requirements: Lv15+
Hatched Digimon: Kuzuhamon, Saberdramon, Kokuwamon, BomberNanimon
59. Shiny Gold Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Pharaohmon
Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv40+
Hatching Requirements: Lv25+, Holy EXP 7000+
Hatched Digimon: Magnamon, PrinceMamemon, Pharaohmon
60. Chaosmon Egg (Holy)
Required Digimon 1: Darkdramon
Required Digimon 2: BantyoLeomon/BanchouLeomon
Hatching Requirements: Tallied Species EXP 9000+
Hatched Digimon: Chaosmon, BantyoLeomon, Darkdramon, Valdurmon
61. Gunner Egg (Machine)
Required Digimon 1: Deputymon at Lv40+
Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv50+
Hatching Requirements: Attack at 200+ Atk
Hatched Digimon: Beelzemon Blast Mode, Deputymon, Mummymon, Cannondramon
62. Deva Egg (Dark)
Required Digimon 1: Antylamon at Lv45+
Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon at Lv45+
Hatching Requirements: Beast & Dark EXP at 1500+ each
Hatched Digimon: Antylamon, Vajramon, Sinduramon
63. High-Dragon's Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv 65+
Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv 65+
Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 8000+
Hatched Digimon: Goddramon/Goldramon, Holydramon/Magnadramon, Megiddramon,
64. Burst Egg (Dragon)
Required Digimon 1: ShineGreymon Burst Mode at Lv70+
Required Digimon 2: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode at Lv70+
Hatching Requirements: Lv40+
Hatched Digimon: ShineGreymon Burst Mode, MirageGaogamon Burst Mode,
Rosemon Burst Mode, Ravemon Burst Mode
most are unlocked through the story mode. others require you to have a certain natured digimon on the farm island. heres a list for dawn and dusk. Dawn: Holy Lazy Tapirmon Lazy Starmon Lazy Monzaemon Dragon Cool Dinohumon Scared Growlmon Cool Veedramon Prissy MetalGreymon Lazy Megidramon Aquan Scared Gomamon Cool Gwappamon Prissy Octomon Lazy ShogunGekomon Cool Vikemon Bird Lazy Saberdramon Wild Peckmon Cool Karatenmon Dusk Farm Quest digimon list: Dark type Lazy Tsukaimon Scared DarkTyrannomon Wild Vajramon Beast type Wild Ogremon Wild Grizzmon Lazy Leomon Lazy Mammothmon Cool MegaGargomon Mutant/Machine type Lazy Guardromon Cool Andromon Scared Mamemon Graceful PrinceMamemon Cool KingChessmon Insect/Plant type Graceful Floramon Cool Woodmon Lazy Okuwamon hope it helps.
There is complete no card list on the Internet.
You have to go to login mountain and and get 100% data for tokomon and then you go to tamer home on the right computer and there will be three options. First one is digiconvert click on it and find tokomon and then press a and it will digiconvert. Then go on the left computer and go to digimon list then put tokomon anywhere you like. He is in digibank.
Go to your farm PC then select digimon list and go to the digimon you want to move then press A and move it to farm you want it to be on. Select the farm with L1 and R1
At the start of every battle an over lay on the screen appears that shows the Digimon being scanned. After so many encounters with the same Digimon, depending on your rank as a tamer and the Digimon's digivolution stage, will eventually increase to 100%. After this has happened, go back to the tamer's house and use the PC on the desk to the right. It will have an option to view scan data. Select this option and it will bring up a list of Digimon that have a percent beside them that ranges from 0 to 999%. Select one that has 100% or higher, the higher percents have higher stats than normal, and choose to create it. It will then have the creation sequence followed by a screen that shows the new Digimon's stats.
most are unlocked through the story mode. others require you to have a certain natured digimon on the farm island. heres a list for dawn and dusk. Dawn: Holy Lazy Tapirmon Lazy Starmon Lazy Monzaemon Dragon Cool Dinohumon Scared Growlmon Cool Veedramon Prissy MetalGreymon Lazy Megidramon Aquan Scared Gomamon Cool Gwappamon Prissy Octomon Lazy ShogunGekomon Cool Vikemon Bird Lazy Saberdramon Wild Peckmon Cool Karatenmon Dusk Farm Quest digimon list: Dark type Lazy Tsukaimon Scared DarkTyrannomon Wild Vajramon Beast type Wild Ogremon Wild Grizzmon Lazy Leomon Lazy Mammothmon Cool MegaGargomon Mutant/Machine type Lazy Guardromon Cool Andromon Scared Mamemon Graceful PrinceMamemon Cool KingChessmon Insect/Plant type Graceful Floramon Cool Woodmon Lazy Okuwamon hope it helps.
There is complete no card list on the Internet.
You have to go to login mountain and and get 100% data for tokomon and then you go to tamer home on the right computer and there will be three options. First one is digiconvert click on it and find tokomon and then press a and it will digiconvert. Then go on the left computer and go to digimon list then put tokomon anywhere you like. He is in digibank.
pokemon, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Digimon World: Dawn, monster Rancher
Go to your farm PC then select digimon list and go to the digimon you want to move then press A and move it to farm you want it to be on. Select the farm with L1 and R1
At the start of every battle an over lay on the screen appears that shows the Digimon being scanned. After so many encounters with the same Digimon, depending on your rank as a tamer and the Digimon's digivolution stage, will eventually increase to 100%. After this has happened, go back to the tamer's house and use the PC on the desk to the right. It will have an option to view scan data. Select this option and it will bring up a list of Digimon that have a percent beside them that ranges from 0 to 999%. Select one that has 100% or higher, the higher percents have higher stats than normal, and choose to create it. It will then have the creation sequence followed by a screen that shows the new Digimon's stats.
Depending on their stats certain Digimon can DNA digivolve to become new ones. There used to be a list somewhere but I don't know where it went... EDIT: I use the list from http://forums.supercheats.com/topic.php?topic=74877 which gives a full list of DNA Digivolutions AND an Armor Digivolution list.
u just need to go to ur digi farm go to the digimon list selcect erase data and keep on answering yes then ur digimons gone.its not that hard.Digimon is better than pokemon.
Go to the Digifarm PC, select Digimon List, and go to the list called "Digibank" too see all the Digimon in only the Digibank. Select one, then select "Move". Move through the lists and drop them in either your party (which if it has a full party, you'll have to switch spots) or your Digifarm. NOTES: To access the PC, you'll need to redeem your Island, and you can only have a max of either 40 or 60 (I forgot) Digimon befriended, so in order to make more room, you'll have to select "Delete Data".
1.gain 100% scan of digimon after that go to digimon convert at digifarm. 2.you can get digimon at digimon list same place after that you change your digimon location. 3.you put your digimon in party.
After you Digiconvert it you go to your Digifarm PC, Select Digimon list then go to your Digibank Select your Digimon and select move then put it in Digimon slot then you have it in your party
It's not actually 'catching' because you don't go around grabbing every Digimon you see then run off with it. For one, your rank should be a bit high, because it takes longer to get the Digimon if it's low, though it's worth it in the end. Walk around in the area that the Digimon you want appears in, battle it several times until you see an icon at the beginning of the battle that says 100%, or even higher than that. Then, go back to your Tamer Home and go to the computer, click on 'Digi-convert', go through the list until you find the Digimo you want to convert, click it, then TA-DAH, you have your own (insert Digimon name here). =3