I don't know but as a monarch she have the power to appoint the prim minister of the country, mean if he appoints a PM who support same sex marriage mean the PM support his prim minister in this issue.
The current government support same sex marriage.
Queen Latifah is a strong supporter of the marriage rights of gay and lesbian couples.
Personal finance guru Suze Orman supports same-sex marriage. In fact, she married her wife Kathy in South Africa.
He is known to be a conservative Republican who occasionally supports a liberal cause such as gun control. Although raised Catholic, in recent years he has become an active non-affiliated Christian. It is presumed that he opposes same-sex marriage or, more likely, simply does not support it.
well maybe so theU.S constitution will make a law so women can vote
Common written history states that Elizabeth I never married, never bore children and died "without issue," ending England's Tudor Dynasty. (This is why Queen Elizabeth I is known as "The Virgin Queen.") The English throne passed to King James VI of Scotland, who became King James I of England. Although the two countries shared a monarch, they remained separate kingdoms. James was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, who was beheaded for plotting to overthrow Elizabeth (they were cousins).
Mayor Tisdahl supports same-sex marriage and is a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.
They oppose it.
Oppose. She says she fears gay marriage will make god angry.
Support. The comedian says marriage equality is a no-brainer.
They oppose it as do, ironically, the Liberals.
The actor supports same-sex marriage as describes those who oppose it as "sick."
Support. The actor appeared in a video voicing his support for same-sex marriage.
Support. No politician opposes homosexual marriage.
They support the legalization of same-sex marriage in Luxembourg.
They support the legalization of same-sex marriage in Luxembourg.
They support the legalization of same-sex marriage in Luxembourg.