yes,they stock lots of Pokemon diamond and pearl figurines in shops like toys ' r ' us or you can buy them online.
SunyShore City It is the last gym, so stock up on Ground Moves or whatever. :D
DMEC...worth only $.10 per share on 1/20/09
It does not matter as long as you have a level 80 and up Pokemon with you and make sure that you buy lots of revives. You might not think you need them but without revives, I probibly couldn't have passed the e4. Also, stock up on heals and lots of awakenings and other special condition cures. Remember, have at least a lv 80 in your hands. If you have a gyarados that is at least lv 60, I would put it in your party along with your lv 80.
you shood stock up on potions and revives and also keep training your Pokemon
because they are all nerds and they like Pokemon and they are rich because they earn money on stock because they are nerds. its like a cricle.
Migrate from GBA games
In my opinion, i think that Pearl is a little more girlish, so some of the male population [which probably makes up more of the Pokemon players] may think Diamond is more masculine, compared to a pink pearl. But that's always just been what i think, feel free to disagree with my opinion. After all, it's just an opinion. =] its because more people want dialga but palkia is way better PS i am a boy and i like pearl better and no i am not gay PEARL IS BETTER THAN DIAMOND, AND THAT IS THAT! AND I AM A MALE BY THE WAY! THE STOCK RATES SHOW THAT PEARL SELLS FASTER THAN DIAMOND!! HAHAHA does it matter they have almost the same Pokemon so stop you complaining
A new copy of Pokemon Pearl is about $24.00 at Target. At Gamestop, a new copy is about $30.00. A used is about $20.00. Walmart usually doesn't stock Pokemon Pearl if your local store even stocks Pokemon games.
The stock symbol for Diamond Resorts is DRII. As of July 2013, Diamond Resorts is offering up to 14 million shares of its stock to public shareholders throughout the world.
SunyShore City It is the last gym, so stock up on Ground Moves or whatever. :D
I don't think you FIND it Cause i got mine from a Goods Dealer... Their stock is random everyday so I just go down for a while and check their stock everyday till i find something Awesome. But then again i only have Pokemon Platinum... Hope this helped any...
You can find the latest CRM stock figures through the Yahoo! finance section. You can also locate a full listing of all publicly traded stock options through the website Market Watch.
once in a month
go to a computer thing or known as a PC in a Pokemon center then press a on it then click storage! :D ^ that is storing a Pokemon. To STOCK a Pokemon (used for pal park) you need a Pokemon Game Boy cartridge to transfer Pokemon :) I hope that helps
No Pokemon Emerald is currently out of stock at both Game and Gamestation. Gamestation was acquired by Game in 2007.
If you mean Dialga... Go to mt. Coronet, and you have to make your way through a certain place (I believe it was through the eterna city entrance). when you get far enough, you should see the team Galactic leader, Cyrus, awakening Dialga (or Palkia in Pearl). I have heard many sources tell us not to use the master ball. Well, it is possible to use a dusk ball or an ultra ball, just stock lots, and make sure that you save before spear pillar. Dialga isn't hard to catch, but he's really hard to avoid killing. So stock a lot of Pokemon who can inflict status conditions