Yeah She Is Well Fit :) And I'd Do her Any Day ;)
Yeah she is well fit and if you want to ask any more questions, all you have to do is ask them! Molly Johnson is so fit you can't believe it.
Oscar kennedy is the fittest boy in the wholle world. he was in the bbc drama toast my nigel slator alongside helena bonhem carter and he is now staring in severel other dramas including naked apes. He is HOTHOTHOTHOT and fit as hell and i fancy him like mad and he is fit. and so s his brother harley he is fit as heaven. I saw him today and i nearly had a fit. Oscar was staning in front of em in the lunch wie today and i nearly broke down on the floor. He is fit basically. Everyone google him images. nTrust me he is fit. FIT FIT FIT FIT! he is the best person i know and he goes to my school. a shout out to my best friend ellie i love you!
john. DeLuca is dating Chrissie. Fit they had a baby and they live in north Carolina a baby boy john. DeLuca married and then they had a baby.
You need to put the Gameboy game in the DS, turn on Diamond/Pearl and on the main menu it should say migrate from whatever Gameboy Pokemon it is. The simple answer is you cannot migrate Pokemon to Diamond or Pearl from any Gameboy Color game. The cartridge does not fit into the DS, for one and the games cannot link to the DS via link cable; thus making migrating impossible from Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal.
you can get them at any store and anywhere u like
Indeed he has, the thing is the girl he dated wasen't a celebrity. It was on one of the headlines on how Celebs date non celebs. Drake is fit though hes my idol :)
no he's fit and in order to stay that way he shouldnt smoke
people say you can use any type of charger that fit
boys are fit with attractive eyes and the look cute x
No, it will not fit.
People think it is cool because if they smoke they might fit in the "gang" or the "club".
be yourself
a fit boy
Ian, it all has to depends on the boy's personality and his look. Ian fit's about any guy's name but try some different names that or more unique
a peng boy is a usually a very good looking boy and is usually what "young people" talk say as fit or very handsome - he is usually very fit!
There is no harm in going out with a boy who likes you, rest is your decision.