a beyblade string launcher is thousand times better than a beyblade ripcord. Also ripcord keeps on breaking. I bought 16 beys and all my rips are broken by now.
You use paint for art , and commercial art is like actor or actress art!
megan fox was fired after comparing steven spielbergs directing style to hitler. that, and megan was a terrible actress.
Yes. He casted June Mack for a role in his movie Supervixens. She played the character Super Eula.
I think Jennifer Lawrence made a great Katniss. So if I had to pick idk I guess I'd pick her.
Use a thong.
dip thong
You could take a pair of underwear that are to small and cut off the bottom half (not the part where it holds on your waist ) the take a strapless bra strap or a shoe lace and tie or hook it to the elastic and if wanted to add your own twist and this creates a g-string or a thong.
i think u have to use string that has a hole in it
use string to measure. put the string evenly around the border and where the first end of the string meets the rest of the string, cut it there. then measure the string u just cut
Yes, you can use regex to determine if a given string is a palindrome by reversing the string and then comparing it to the original string using regex.
C doesn't have String data-type, so don't use it.
use kite string or anything string that is thick or you can use sewing thread then triple it and make it thicker
hair spray? :)
You can use "string" class in C++ for string operations or you may use c style string functions as well. #include <string> String class in C++ provides all basic function to operate on strings. you may details descriptin at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/
You can try using a B or a D string in a pinch, but it probably won't sound quite right. The diameter string you use should at least be close to the diameter of the G string that came with your set.