Lucille Ball was a serious smoker, as it was the harmful effects of nicotine were not known yet. She smoked her first cigarette as a pre-teenager, due to the stresses left on her, being in charge of the house at a young age. Her mother did not object, but after a while, Lucille decided not to try smoking again till 18. Throughout her life she smoked, and her show "I Love Lucy" was promoted by Philip Morris cigarettes. Her husband, Desi Arnaz, died of lung cancer due to smoking.
Lucille Ball was considered by many to be a private person in her personal life but in her professional career, marriages to Desi Aranz and Gary Morton and friendships with people of all races, backgrounds and sexual orientations indicates that she was generally a open minded human being. However, Lucille Ball did have many conservative views on sex, drugs and the 1960s counterculture due to her upbringing. Her professional decisions in running her company were also influential in helping achieve civil rights for racial minorities and women. Lucille Ball was not a racist person but she did have a strong mixture of liberal and conservative views which by 21st century standards would make her a moderate.
Was Lucille ball bisexual
Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911.
Her full name was Lucille Desiree Ball.
Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911.
I Love Lucy and The Lucille Ball Show
Was Lucille ball bisexual
Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911.
Her full name was Lucille Desiree Ball.
Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911.
I Love Lucy and The Lucille Ball Show
Lucille Ball's real name was Lucille Ball. --Lucille Ball's birth name was Lucille Désirée Ball. Then she took on the last name Arnaz (but used "Ball" in television and movies) from her first marriage to Desi Arnaz. Then she took on the last name of Morton, from her husband Gary Morton.
Lucille Desiree Ball.
Lucille Ball died on April 26, 1989 at the age of 77.
Lucille Ball never graduated highschool.
Actually, George Lopez was inspired by Lucille Ball.
Lucille ball
desi arnaz, lucie arnaz, and desi arnaz jr (and lucille ball)