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Q: Did Titus Tatius have a wife or children?
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11 kidds

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Achilles Tatius. has written: '(Leucippe et Clitophon.)' 'Dell'amore di Leucippe et di Clitophonte' 'Achilles Tatius, with an English translation by S. Gaselee' 'The most delectable and pleasaunt history of Clitiphon and Leucippe' 'The history of Clitiphon and Leucippe'

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11 kidds

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Just one son, Titus.

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Bethoven did not have a wife or children

When Jesus died did he have a wife and children?

no. jesus does not have a wife and children

Did Sir Titus Salt have any brothers or sisters?

Yes He was the eldest of six children.