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Queen Elizabeth did not have wooden teeth. Her teeth were rotten and black due to the fact that there were no toothbrushes or toothpastes.

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because there weren't any tooth brushes at the time you dummaz

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Queen Elizabeth I had black teeth because she ate too much sugar.

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Q: Why did Queen Elizabeth have black teeth?
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Why was Queen Elizabeth the first's teeth black didn't they have toothbrushes?

In Tudor times, the Royals used tootpaste made from sugar....thats why Queen Elizabeth I had black teeth!

What are facts about Queen Elizabeth the first?

she brushed he teeth with suger because she thought that only rich people do that that is why her teeth were black

Did Queen Elizabeth have wooden teeth?

Queen Elizabeth the First did not have wooden teeth. She died in 1603 and the first use of false teeth was not documented until the 18th Century

Does the queen have false teeth?

No, Queen Elizabeth does not have false teeth. Probably due to the fact that she receives the very best of medical and dental treatment going.

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When Mary 1 was born, Elizabeth 1 did not exist. Elizabeth was born on March 7th 1533 in Greenwich near London. She died in 1603 on 24th March.

why was it fashionable to have black teeth in London in William Shakespeare's time?

The Queen had black teeth as a result of her overfondness for sugary treats. Of course what the Queen did, her fawning courtiers wanted to imitate.

Did Queen Elizabeth the First have to use cotton for missing teeth?

It is said Elizabeth's teeth were rotten because she loved sweets so much. When her teeth had gone, she always appeared in public with wads of cotton padding out her mouth.

Did Queen Elizabeth II have a horse named Black Jack?

Yes, she did.

Is Queen Elizabeth a dowager queen?

Queen Elizabeth II is not. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was.

Did Queen Elizabeth I ever bathe or brush her teeth?

It has been rumored that Queen Elizabeth cared nothing for hygiene so never even bothered to look into the mirror. No one knows for certain if this is true.

What did Queen Elizabeth you do?

chicken and rice with home made black pudding and spit