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Q: Did Maya amgelou have any children?
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Did Maya lin have children?

Yes, Maya Lin has children. Her husband is Daniel Wolf and her children are named India Wolf and Rachel Wolf.

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maya rudolph no kids though has 3 children

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What are Maya Lins Children's names?

Her children's names are Rachel and India Wolf.

What did the Maya children learn in school?

yes, they had scools

What has the author Maya Rethazi written?

Maya Rethazi has written: 'The use of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) in the identification of learning disabled children' -- subject(s): Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Learning disabled children

How were the Maya children born?

In Maya culture, children were seen as gifts from the gods. The Maya believed that a divine force was responsible for the conception and birth of children, and ceremonies were often performed to honor this process. Mothers would give birth in a squatting position, sometimes with the help of a midwife or female relatives.

What were the food clothing and shelter needs of the Maya?

the maya life like was coming of age many children were 13 and allowed to get married

What is Maya architecture like in Maya?

Mayan,,, they really didnt have to any influence elsewhere

How many children does Maya Angelou have?

Maya Angelou has 1 child

Tom Brady has 4 niece theres Maya and Erin what are the other 2 names?

the other two children are any thing that's if u named them .