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Q: Did Katy Perry cheat on Russell brand?
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Is Katy Perry single?

No. she is married to Russell Brand

Does Russell brand go out with Katy Perry?

yes Russell brand does go out with Katy perry : ) xxx

Why did Katy perry and Russell brand divorce?

yes Katy Perry and Russel Brand did get a divorce

What are some major events in Katy perrys life?

Katy Perry's marriage with Russell Brand.

Is Russell brand single?

no, he is married to Katy Perry

Where was Katy Perry married?

Katy perry married Russell brand in India.

Who is Katy Perry dating now?

Katy Perry is married to Russell Brand

Why did Katy Perry and Russell Brand break up?

Katy Perry and Russell Brand are no longer dating. Russell filed for divorce on December 30th 2011.

Is Katy Perry getting a divorce?

Katy Perry and Russell Brand divorced in 2012.

Who is Part of you about by Katy Perry?

Katy perry is talking about Russell brand in her song Part of me

Is Katy Perry dating anyone?

Katy Perry is currently married to Russell Brand.

Who is Katy Perry currently dating now?

Katy Perry is married to Russell Brand