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Q: Did Jonathan brandis go sky diving?
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What nicknames did Jonathan Brandis go by?

Jonathan Brandis went by The J-Man, and Jon.

If you are inside a bus with a ruler over your head will you most likely go sky-diving or will you jump over a rabbit in 2 odd years?

u will go sky diving in 3 odd years Sky-diving........or quidditch.

What is another way to say can't wait?

You could say itching .....example ...i Can't wait to go sky diving ....or I am itching to go sky diving .....

How can you overcome your fear of flying?

Go Sky Diving

What would you do if you were 21 again?

Have an affair with a married man. Then go sky diving.

How old do you have to be to go sky diving with a parent?

in Greece 16. i am 16 and i did skydive.

What should you do for your 20th birthday?

go on holiday Go bungee jumping, water rafting, sky diving, scuba diving, and visit many beautiful countries

What is a really funny and original idea for a short video?

To go sky diving and drink soda with a straw in the air

How much feet go by when a parachute opens sky diving?

Most typical jumps are from about 10,000ft.

Where can you go sky diving in march?

Just about anywhere but the best weather for jumping in March will be in Florida or out west in California or Arizona.

Can you go diving in Wii sports resort?

Sorry, but you can't go diving

How do you get the last person in My Sims for Nintendo DS?

You go in the enertainment area and go to the airport and martin (is his name) and talk to him (his air planne is broken) and wait awile and go back to him he will have a sky diving game play it!