Doris Day is still alive.
Doris Eaton Travis died on 2010-05-11.
She is still alive.
Doris Day has had four husbands, and all of them have died.
No, Doris Day is not single.
Doris Day is still alive.
Doris McCarthy died on 2010-11-25.
She is.
Doris Haddock died on March 9, 2010 at the age of 100.
Doris Eaton Travis died on 2010-05-11.
Doris is alive and well living in Carmel, CA.
Doris Johnson died on November 2, 2010, in Cary, North Carolina, USA.
She is still alive.
She will be 86 on April 4, 2010
Doris Day has had four husbands, and all of them have died.
No, Doris Day is not single.
Doris Day married to Al Jorden in 1941 Doris Day married to George Weidler in 1946 Doris Day married to Martin Melcher in 1951 Doris Day married to Barry Comden in 1976