you have to trade with another leef green or another fire red that have these thing put a Pokemon and put the arrora item in it and trade u will have arrora tikket andu suppoused to have misstery gift and select wonder gift and go to the man who has green hair and toke with him u willhave an arrora tikket (((if u had anwireless adapter))) and go back to zero then u must have a wirelessadapter turst me i have tried but nothing happend so.........u should in away or another a wireless adapter the end
Okay you see,at a Nintendo event,the Pokemon staff will tell you that you have to put LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL and lend you or if you have your own one, plug it in. Then you stand in a booth and click mystery gift.Then you get the ticket and all that crap.
Kind of nerdy
Link Toghether With All but you need a WIRELESS ADAPTER if you want the MYSTERY GIFT.
Just Access the Mystery Gift........And,use a wireless communication system.what if my adapter does not WORK
the mystery gift but u also need a friend with a wireless adapter or get ur own cables
you have to have a adapter
You can't.
There is no way to get Mystery Gift without using the Wireless Adapter. Sadly, the events for Pokemon Emerald are expired and there will be no more events for this game.
get the mystery gift
wireless adapter, mystery gift option, and a person who has Pokemon emerald
When you get the mystery gift, you must save. You must also have a WIRELESS adapter for it. Restart the game boy, and put in the wireless adapter. Go to the mystery gift at the beginning of the menu. It should be called "Wonder Gift" Once you get in there. Just go from there. =]
Well,you do need a wireless adapter pluged into your game boy advance.With it,you are now able to access your mystery gift.I know,that's really dumb.....How do i know?I followed all the instructions and once i clicked on the mystery gift,it said "you must have a wireless adapter to access your mystery gift".(or something like that....)
Nothing, it's not so simple. To download a gift from Mystery Gift via the Wireless Adapter you have to be in a special place like Toys R Us when the event occurs.
if you have fr/lg, you can use your wireless adapter to get a mystery gift.
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