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yes but not in a battle with another person who has the game or in the battle frontier

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Q: Can you use sacred ash item during a battle?
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How do you catch a Sacred- Ash in Pokemon FireRed?

Go to Navel rock,battle Ho-oh and use the item finder on the spot where he was to get sacred ash.

How do you use the item Sacred Ash in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Sacred ash can be used to revive all fainted Pokemon in your party.

Does anyone want to trade the item sacred ash for a phione?

This trade is highly unpossible. The item SACRED ASH can be found in all Pokemon 5th generation games. Also, Phione is a legendary and not many can trade. If you would like to trade, try putting the sacred ash on a rare Pokemon THEN trading. ~Bellafuzz i ment does anyone want to trade me the item sacred ash for my phione You can't trade items for Pokemon, you have to have the item on a Pokemon. When i want to do that, i usually put the item on a crappy Pokemon so its virtually still going to be the ash for phione. I do, i wil trade a level 7 rattata along with it as well, contact me by sending me a message on my message board.

How do you use sacred ash in heart- gold?

Sacred Ash revives ALL fainted pokemon in your party to FULL health. The only ctach is that you cannot use it while in battle.

What does Sacred Ash the Item do In Pokemon Fire Red?

The Sacred Ash is an item in Generation II, Generation III, and Generation IV. It is considered the ultimate healing item, because it revives all of the Pokémon in a trainer's party with full HP and PP. However, it can only be used once. As a result, it is a popular item for those who use cloning glitches.

How do you use sacred ash in Pokemon soul silver?

By going into your item case and using it. It revives all your Pokemon to full hp from fainted.

What is a sacred ash in Pokemon HeartGold?

Sacred ash is an item held by Ho-oh that revives all of the Pokemon in your party that are fainted and their Hp is completely restored. It is very useful if you save it until the Pokemon league. WARNING: only works once. Once you use it it disappears.

What are ashs Pokemon in battle frontier?

Ash's Pokémon during the Pokémon Battle Frontier TV season are Pikachu, Phanpy, Grovyle, Corphish and Swellow. Ash used Snorlax temporarily for the Battle Arena match, Ash temporarily uses Heracross in his battle against the Battle Palace, Ash temporarily uses his Tauros in both of his battles against the Battle Tower, Ash temporarily uses Torkoal in his second match against the Battle Pyramid Frontier Brain and he temporarily uses Charizard, Bulbasaur and Squirtle in Ash's 3rd and final match against the Battle Pyramid. Ash's Grovyle and Phanpy also end up evolving into Sceptile and Donphan respectively during the Battle Frontier season.

What Pokemon does Ash have in heart gold?

Only Ho-Oh has sacred ash

Is Sacred Ash only good once in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Yes, Sacred Ash is only good once in "Pokémon SoulSilver."

On the show pokemon what episode did ash's snorunt evovled?

Ash's Snorunt evolved into Glalie in Rhaspody in Drew during a battle with Team Rocket.

How many times can you use the scarced ash in soul silver?

You can only use the Sacred Ash once. Once you've used it, it will disappear from your bag. You will need multiple Sacred Ash in order to keep using it.