yes you can by doing a spin trade with another Pokemon platinum user
you cant, charmander is not in platinum
Nobody in Pokemon platinum has a charmander.........
You can trade it from HG or SS, Or even send over eggs From them, Since I never Had Platinum I do not know.
I will trade you 27/07/2009 ok
I would ask someone in your school to trade because you can plan it with them OK got it.
You trade somebody with a charmander
You import a Charizard and a Ditto from any game via Pal Park, then breed them together for an egg. It will be a Charmander.
ill trade you a charmander when do you wanna trade
What Pokemon are you gonna give
You can not just get given a Charmander egg in black or white. To get on in the game you must trade someone for a Chrmander, Charmeleon or Charizard and then breed it yourself unless they have a Charmander egg and they trade you that instead.
Sadly it can only be found using Trade or migration
trade over from firered/leafgreen and catch in the pal park
you cant, charmander is not in platinum
You can't catch a Charmander in Pokemon Platnium, but someone can trade you a Charmander egg or a Charmander and you may evolve it to Charmeleon then Charizard.
Well, it sucks but you have to migrate or somehow trade with someone to get one.
You can't. You can only trade it in from someone who does have it, or migrate it from a gameboy game that does have it.
i can give you a charmander what are you willing to trade yes i want a charmander you could get Pokemon firered/leafgreen and get them yourself too Yes I can give you a charmander no problemo