Serebii and Psypokes are two Pokémon websites containing virtually every info about Pokémon games, shows, and movies."Serebii" is also the Japanese name for Celebi, a Grass/Psychic legendary Time Travel Pokémon; the website chose Celebi's Japanese name for the name of the website.
Time you can recruit Celebi and Darkness you can recruit Mewtwo
Yes, yes she does. Talk to celebi when your about to enter the dungeon for the time portal (I think) and there's evidence that she likes him.
it is an event that is over on march 6 2011 so get it while you can
yes it has to a special celebi from a game store event unless u know some acton replay to get the sae celebi plus if you get pk black or white then youll be able to catch Zorua
Dialga is the ruler and creator of time while Celebi just have the ability to travel in time
Go to a shrine in Ilex forest and after that you time travel
Celebi is known as the Time Travel Pokemon because of its ability to travel through time just like Dialga.
In HeartGold, Celebi does not time travel because the game's storyline does not feature Celebi's time-traveling abilities as a central plot point. Instead, Celebi's involvement in the game is more focused on its role in the Ilex Forest event where it helps the player thaw out the time-traveling Pokémon, Suicune.
Time Travel isn't a Pokemon move that Celebi learns at a certain level. It seems to just be an inherent ability, not something that it can use in battle.
To get multiplayer on Pokemon Ranger Guardian signs you must meet with Celebi 2 times (I think). Celebi will take you to the past each time and after the second time you will be able to play multiplayer if you go to Cocona Village and tap on Celebi's Monument. It will say: "You feel a strange power... Will you travel through time?" Tap Yes. Celebi will welcome you. Ravio will say: " You're back!" He will get his friends and they will warn you about the temples. They will say what to do.
Regular celebi won't work. It has to be the event celebi. Pretty much one in a cherish ball.
In order to access the special event with a Celebi in Pokémon HeartGold, it must be a Celebi that has the "Fateful Encounter" flag in its summary. If it does not have "Fateful Encounter" in its summary then it will not activate the special time travel event in "HeartGold."
The Celebi event
You go to the Ixel forest or something like that there should be a shrine there similar to the one in the Pokemon forever forest using the celebi obtained in an event that ends March 6, 2011 put celebi first in your party and press A on the shrine
there is going to be an event that is giving away lv100 celebi in the near future. So all you pretty much have to do is wait. When you receive this Celebi, u can take it back to the Ilex forest and Celebi will time travel. You will get to battle with Giovanni and see what happend to him after what had happend to him after Team Rocket had split up. #