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Yes, Sonic Heroes was released for the PC along with the PS2, XBox, and GameCube.

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Q: Can you play tails in sonic 1 without downloading it?
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Be sonic and defeat tails 3 times without loosing with 5 lives.

Can you play as tails in sonic 3?

play as Tails

Can you play as Tails in Sonic 2?

Yes. Just go 2 options, and select the character you want to play as: Sonic, Tails, or Sonic and Tails. NOTE: If you are just as Tails, you cannot go SUPER SONIC, however there is a cheat to go SUPER TAILS, but you need both Sonic and Tails to do this.

How many players can there be in Sonic the Hedgehog 3?

You can only play 2 player on the MEGA Drive, you can play as Sonic with Tails, Sonic alone or Tails alone.

Can you play tails in sonic 1?

In the real game no, because Tails wasn't introduced until Sonic 2. You can however use hacks people have created to play as Tails in Sonic 1. Try out this one on Sonic Retro, that allows you to do just that

Can tails be played on sonic colour as 2nd player?

no but on the wii version you can play as blue sonic, pink sonic, or your miis. sonic colors ds version is just racing and you don't play as tails on that either

How do you play with sonic on tails night mare?

You can't.

Can you play as tails in sonic colours?

Sadly, no. Tails is not playable. He does however have a massive role in the game, and is in almost every cutscene with Sonic.

How do you become tails on sonic 1?

You don't, Tails isn't playable in Sonic 1 because he wasn't introduced until Sonic 2. I'm sure you can find hacks of Sonic 1 that let you play as Tails though.

Who can you play as in Sonic advance 2?

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Cream. And you can play as Amy, if you cleared the game in 100%

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were can play freestlye basketball without downloading

How can you be tails in sonic THE hedgehog 4 episode 2?

While a second player can control Tails like in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3, you cannot play as Tails alone in Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2.