no but usually before the pokemon legue you get the lengendary pokemon of that game
Mudkip Torchick Treeko (hope this helps)
If you had Kanto starters, he can be foundin Mt. Fiery.
The gender ratio for a starter pokemon to be a male is higher than the starter pokemon to be a female but it is possible to get female starters.
The only way is to trade with someone who has one of the other starters and can trade with firered. I know that leafgreen can and so can another firered
the same starters from pokemon white andblack oshawot tepig snivy
No. Generation V Pokemon are only available in generation V games.
no ur choice is 1 but if ur friends have the other 2 starters, then you trade
tepig oshowatt snivy
You can't.
No matter what game of Pokemon you play to get all the starters you have to trade with the other versions.
Starters are Oshawatt Tepig and Snivy
no it is immpossable unless you have an action replay with the Pokemon modifier code
same starters as the first black and white snivy oshawott and tepig
You start your game and get 1 starter then trade it. Then start the game again and pick a different starter. Do the same until you get all of the starters from Pokemon black and white.
no but usually before the pokemon legue you get the lengendary pokemon of that game
No. You will need to transfer them over from an older game.