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Yes you can you can get golem in all the reagons

Yes you can you can get golem in all the reagons


You need to trade a Graveler to another game to make it evolve into Golem.


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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

golem can only be obtained by trading a graveler

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Q: Can you get golem in pokemon leafgreen?
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How do you catch a golem in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot catch a one, but if you trade a Graveler, it will evolve into a Golem.

Where can find wild golem in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't find a wild golem anywhere in leafgreen if you want one you will need to have a friend trade you a graveler or you trade the graveler then ask for it back to receive golem.

How do you golem without trading in Pokemon LeafGreen?

i have no idea. But i feel ur pain!!!!!!!

Where is redisteel in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot catch Registeel in Pokemon LeafGreen. This is due to FireRed and LeafGreen being able to trade with Ruby and Sapphire. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire have the three legendary golem Pokemon including Registeel.

Pokemon LeafGreen how to evol ve graveller to golem?

It has to be traded to another game then it will evolve when it gets to the other game. Then you can trade it back.

How do you get Golem in your Pokedex for Leafgreen and not trade?

you dont

Where do you battle golem n leafgreen?

Golem can only be obtained by trading a Graveler and making it evolve.

Who is boy golem?

golem is Pokemon

What trainer has golem in LeafGreen?

near dotted hole (six island) one of the trainers las a golem. ruin maniac foster has a golem level 50.

What is the best team for Pokemon LeafGreen after beating the elite four rematch?

well for me get all three kanto starters a pidgeot a dragonite and golem hope this helps

How do you get Golem in Pokemon Crystal?

You have to trade a Graveler to it can evolve into a Golem. This applies for all Pokemon Games.

How do add the data of a golem in Pokemon sapphire?

You have to catch the Golem.