you can't get a level one tyranitar, without hacking. You can only get a lvl one larvitar with breeding.
No you can't
No, you cannot.
yes, with the action replay go to for the codes
Use an AR.
well my team is not finished yet but my final team for the elite 4 is probably gonna be Charzard Lv60 Raichu LV 57 Dragonite LV 59 Lapras LV 58 Arodactyl LV60 Hitmontlee/Polyrath The Best Pokemon Leafgreen Team is for a fact: With Legendaries Mewtwo, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Articuno, Zapdos, Gyarados/Snorlax Without Legendaries Dragonite, Tyranitar, Lapras, Jolteon, Gyarados, Snorlax/Hitmonlee
you can't get a level one tyranitar, without hacking. You can only get a lvl one larvitar with breeding.
There are two ways to stop a Pokemon from evolving. The first is to give it an everstone, which prevents you from working everytime the Pokemon is ready to evolve. The second way is to press "B" when the Pokemon is evolving. If you did neither, then your Pokemon is not ready to evolve.
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it dependz on if you already have national dex if so i have tyranitar lapras charizard/venusaur dragonite aerodactyl and i rock!!!!!
No, you cannot do so in LeafGreen. While Eevee can normally evolve into Espeon and Umbreon without stones, the lack of a time system in the game prevents Eevee from evolving into one of them.
you have to trade from emerald
No you can't