yes its possible but it takes a lot of patents and determination. just walk around a lot and keep a master ball on u at all times on emerald i got both of them but i took a lot of time like a month of walking around . after the e4 and after catching the first one .
they just pop up while ur Surfing around(latios ruby) (latias sapphire)
Latias (available only in Pokemon Sapphire) and Latios (available only in Pokemon Ruby) are able to be caught once you have beaten the Elite Four. They then appear randomly in their versions until you catch them. Note that both Pokemon can flee at any time during battle and that stat changes like Sleep do not cause it to stay. If you injure Latias/Latios in battle, the HP loss will stay even when the Pokemon flees. I recommend you use a Masterball to catch them once you meet them.The problem of Latias/Latios fleeing can be solved by using a Pokemon with meanlook, or using a Wobufet. If using a wobbufet, use mirror coat and hope it will use phychic or mistball. then use a lot of ultra balls, nest balls, and timer balls. I suggest u have a team of wobufets instead of one wobufet to increase your cahnce of getting one
to get latias you need to beat the elite four then he becomes a wild Pokemon in Sapphire to catch him simply use thunder that will get him down to low hp then next time you see him throw a ultra ball and press abababababab simultaniously and you will catch him this has never failde for me. MD
Well,since they will flee after your first attack, throw Poke-balls only. I would suggest using a master ball, great ball, or that ball that works better at he beginning of battles. You can use a master ball from the professor.
After you defeated the Elite Four.
Or use a Wobbuffet, because Latios or Latias can't flee away.
Thanks to his ability and he can use counter and mirror coat.
Save before you try or Wobbuffet kills Latios or Latias.
And make sure that you have enough timer balls or ultra balls. You run around in the grass if you use repel only latios/latias will appear and get ready for a hard capture. I would advise having a wobbuffet or a high level trapinch with arena trap, so it can't run from you. You need to weaken it and/or put it to sleep or if you kept a master ball just throw that. Good luck! In Sapphire, after the credits and the elite four,you get Latias. In Ruby, after the credits and the elite four, you get Latios. In Emerald,after the credits and the elite four, you get to choose either RED or BLUE. Latias or Latios. If you want both, then you'll have to trade. If you do not have one of those new games (such as heart gold/ soul silver), that tell you where latias/ latios are, you will think it is impossible to catch them. I figured out there is an easier way to find them. You have to beat the elite 4 and the champion first. If you have encountered one of them before, they will be in your poke'dex. Look for them in the poke'dex and select them. look for the area it is found and there you go. Be careful because as you change routes or move to another city, it might change places. if you use fly, latias/ latios will make a big move. Good luck. in pokemon ruby you well catch latios (use this technique use a repel in where theres the cycling road and look in the grass a little bit then go to the cycling road gate so latios well change his location then go out and look again if not go to the gate and keep up like this until he appears and be sure to save your master ball for him) then trade latios with someone in pokemon sapphire for a latias.
in pokemon sapphire you well catch latias (use the technique that i wrote up) and then trade your latias with someone in pokemon ruby for a latios
You can get Latios in "Pokรฉmon SoulSilver" however in order to get Latias in SoulSilver you need to get the Enigma Stone which can only be acquired through a Nintendo Mystery Gift event.
Soulsilver: You can catch Latios. Latias can be obtained through Wifi event or trading.
HeartGoold: You can catch Latias. Latios can be caught through Wifi or trading.
Pokemon X and Y are sold at MSRP of $39.99 (CAD)
*Mew is not catchable in Pokemon x and y, but you can get him online from wondertrades and such. Mewtwo however, is catchable and you can find him in the cave in pokemon village.
The MSRP of Pokemon Y or X is $39.99 (CAD/USD)
The listed Pokemon can evolve in X and Y: Mewtwo, Blaziken, Lucario, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Heracross, Ampharos, Scizor, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manetric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, and Abomasnow. These Pokemon can mega evolve only in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Beedrill, Pidgeot, Slowbro, Steelix, Sceptile, Swampert, Sableye, Sharpedo, Camerupt, Altaria, Glalie, Salamence, Metagross, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Lopunny, Gallade, Audino, and Diancie.
Pokemon X and Y, which introduced 70 new Pokemon.
You cannot find the Mega Stone for Latios in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.
Pokemon capable of learning Psywave as an Egg Move in Pokemon X and Y are Latios (Pokemon) and Gastly (Pokemon).
Yes You Can Get A Pikachu In Pokemon X and Y.
The Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon X/Y are:Xerneas (X only)Yveltal (Y only)ArticunoZapdosMoltresMewtwoZygarde
Pokemon X and Y are sold at MSRP of $39.99 (CAD)
Prof. Sycamore will give you the oval charm in Pokemon X and Y.
I believe X is stronger, but Y looks cooler.
*Mew is not catchable in Pokemon x and y, but you can get him online from wondertrades and such. Mewtwo however, is catchable and you can find him in the cave in pokemon village.
You can't a pokemon from x or y version into pokemon b,w,b2,w2 because mega evoulution,new pokemon and the new type, fairy,but you can put pokemon from b,w,b2,w2 into x and y using pokemon bank and pokemon transport
The MSRP of Pokemon Y or X is $39.99 (CAD/USD)
No. Instead there will be a Pokemon X and Y