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Yes. So don't do it.

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Q: Can someone die from getting punched in the temple?
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When did Octavius Temple die?

Octavius Temple died in 1834.

When did William Johnson Temple die?

William Johnson Temple died in 1796.

When did Eric Temple Bell die?

Eric Temple Bell died on 1960-12-21.

When did William Temple Hornaday die?

William Temple Hornaday died on 1937-03-06.

When did Pick Temple die?

Pick Temple died on December 21, 1991, in Sun City, Arizona, USA.

Related questions

Can you die from getting punched in the arm?


What is an uppercut?

getting punched underneath the jaw

Can you die from getting punched in the neck?

Yes if the punch is really hard.

Can someone with cystic fibrosis die from getting punched in the stomach?

Punching someone is the stomach that has CF is no different than punching someone in the stomach that doesn't have CF. Either way - it's not a nice thing to do to somebody!

If you get hit near the temple will you die?

Getting hit near the temple can be dangerous as it can cause a skull fracture or brain injury, which may be life-threatening. However, not every hit near the temple will result in death, as the severity of the injury and individual factors will also play a role in determining the outcome. If you or someone you know experiences a trauma near the temple, seek medical attention immediately.

Can you die from being punched in the esophagus?

yes if they do it hard enough you will die

How did nerva die?

he died when chuck Norris punched him

How someone must be dressed before entering the golden temple?

they dont have to be dressed they were the clothes that they die in

What happens if you get punched between the eyes?

You could die. If the attacker hits hard enough, that spot in your nose, called the "bridge", will break. The cartilage gets forced into the brain.

Can you die from being punched in the armpit?

The brachial artery runs right through the armpit so being punched there could cause nerve damage or internal bleeding.

How many people die a year by getting punched face?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the cause of death from a punch to the face could vary (e.g. head trauma, internal injuries). However, deaths directly caused by being punched in the face are relatively rare compared to other causes of death.

When did Temple Hardy die?

Temple Hardy died in 1814.