Depends what email it is, like yahoo you can but not on gmail or aim
The AIM email account has an unlimited capacity. If you use a lot of space (e.g. in the range of multiple gigabytes), then AIM will send you a link to go to a web site and fill out a CAPTCHA (the thing where you have to type in the letters from the graphical image) in order for them to continue to provide unlimited space.
Most stars have Msn not Aim. Nobody knows her real AIM anyone claiming to know it is lying. Her Msn is for celebrities only not fans.
don't search for it couse she has no time for this things and you'll never find the real address,if you find an adsress that are all fakers,posers,don't belive to anyone, ask her to put on the webcam and then if you see jamie Lynn than belive it,THERE IS NO REAL EMAIL ADDRESS OF JAMIE ON INTERNET!belive me (and other celebryties)
I doubt that he even uses MSN. And even if he does, then I doub there is someone who would share his MSN e-mail with strangers.
Depends what email it is, like yahoo you can but not on gmail or aim
The WWE Superstars/Divas do not give out their personal email address. if you want the fan email message me and I will get it to you.
aol, gmail, yahoo, aim, pretty much everywhere
i really dont know if chris brown really has an aim. I think he thinks he is 2 cool 4 an aim anyway if any of u really do noe chirs browns real aim send me an email at my email address
no, aim stands for AOL INSTANT MESSAGING which is an "im" or instant messaging where you can send messages instantly and chat with people online so basically no aim is not an email account. However if you are looking for good site for email i would definatley recommend gmail email from Google. hope i could help! THIS IS NOT ACCURATE login to with your aim account, aim has been an email AND im source for at least a decade. if your aim address is testuser (at) aim, then your username is -- login with that, aol emails probably also work
You have to create an account on AIM first, and upon doing that, you will be able to have AOL Mail.
Without an email address you will not be able to adopt a Moshi Monster. If you are under the age of 13, you will need to use your parent's email address. If your parents don't have an email address, they can get one from an online email website. If you are age 13 or older, you can get your own email address from various online places such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, AIM mail, iCloud mail,, and more. (see Related Links)
No. AIM is with the program AOL. you can only aim someone who is in the same network. There will have to be an AIM account set up. they are very easy to make.
You don't need the email address of Smarterchild in order to add this robot to your AIM Buddy List. Just Add New Buddy and type in the username - Smarterchild - to add the robot to have a conversation with it.
No You Just Have To Have A Email Address and if you want to make one all you have to do is go to and you can make one from there