Yes, the god of Obelisk can and also there is an unstoppable demon god 0 ATK & DEF but nothing can effect it
yes because exodia has infinite power and once if u have all exodia pieces u can summon them immediatlly and because of his automatic eff u win duel immediatly
Exodia's win condition is that all five parts are in your hand, while Exodia Necross' summoning condition is that all five parts are in your graveyard. It's much, much easier to get them all into the graveyard, than it is to have all five in your hand at the same time. So a deck based around Exodia Necross will try to put them there, rather than play to get them all in hand.
Yes cause he has infinite power that will destroy everything in his path.
5 pieces. The Left arm of the forbidden one,right arm,left leg,rightleg andd the head when you use him you win instanly.
5. Right arm of the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, and exodia the forbidden one. Also exodia the forbidden one card gets powered up by every body part! If you don't believe me check it up on the yugioh wiki.
you can't the stardust accelerator is yugioh 5ds. Head of exodia is original yugioh
ur an idiot
you can try using exodia or destiny board or you use action replay and gell all cards and infinite life
its the god cards man. or exodia
If they duel as it happens in yugioh and exodia gets all five pieces of himself in his hand at once, exodia. But if they were battling, like in pokemon, mewtwo would win for home advantage.
this is the stupidest question i have ever head. so here a yugioh lesson for you:if you have all five pieces of exodia in your hand you automaticly win the duelthe only way the destrorey exodia is to destorey one peice of the five cards
The best card in yugioh is the judegement dragon card.
The card named 'Exodia the Dark Master' is a counterfeit card, and not worth anything.
Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921
yes because exodia has infinite power and once if u have all exodia pieces u can summon them immediatlly and because of his automatic eff u win duel immediatly
there is a couple of ways to beat exodia for example you can have a trap card called sakuretsu armor this card says "activate only when a opponet's monster declares an attack. destroy the attacking monster. when he attacks he is destroyed