Yes, Brooke Shields has 2 kids.
The Actress and model Brooke Shields is alive as of 1st July 2010.
No, she is a catholic.
Brooke Shields
Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins starred in The Blue Lagoon.
God knows
Christopher Atkins is 56 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1961).
The 1980's movie that was marketed as a "sensuous story of natural love" was the movie "The Blue Lagoon." The movie starred Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins.
blue lagoon
Maybe "The Blue Lagoon" (1980). Stars Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins, Leo McKern.
Brooke Shields has starred in many other films besides Blue Lagoon. In 1978, she starred in Pretty Baby. The next year, she starred in Wanda Nevada. She has also starred in Endless Love.
Brooke Shields starred in Pretty Baby in nineteen seventy eight. During that time she was only thirteen years old but was playing the mature role of a prostitute in Pretty Baby.
Brooke Shields is a/an Actress,model
Brooke Shields was born on May 31, 1965
The Blue Lagoon is the title of a movie about a boy and a girl who are lost on an island. It was made in 1980. It was produced and directed by Randal Kleiser [b. July 20, 1946]. It starred Christopher Atkins [b. February 21, 1961] and Brooke Shields [b. May 31, 1965].
Brooke Shields has 2 children