Yes. Andrew Dice Clay is still alive.
Yes, he is. He had an accident and fractured his skull a few years ago, and is unable to write and get around very well, but is still very much alive and living in Chicago.
Yes, he just celebrated his 84th birthday. Love, Alyssa
Fred Astaire's immediate relatives are no longer alive, as he passed away in 1987 and his sister Adele Astaire died in 1981. However, he has descendants who are still alive, such as his children and grandchildren. These descendants may not be as well-known as Fred Astaire himself, but they continue his legacy in their own ways.
Yes, he is still alive.
Yes, Andrew Clements is still alive.
Andrew Clements is still alive.
the president Andrew Johnson is dead, but not sure about other Andrew Johnson's out there.
the president Andrew Johnson is dead, but not sure about other Andrew Johnson's out there.
Yes. Andrew Dice Clay is still alive.
the president Andrew Johnson is dead, but not sure about other Andrew Johnson's out there.
he is still alive today
Nathan Hale has no famous relatives, or at least no one knows if there are any relatives that are still alive. The question and mystery stand unanswered.