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Q: Are sentors real
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How many sentors are there in Indiana?


How many sentors in the US Senate?


What is the term of the office of sentors?

every two years

Who are the sentors for Massachusetts?

John Kerry (D) and Scott Brown (R)

How long is a sentors term of ofice?

US ? 6 years[ federal ]

How long did Roman sentors stay in office?

For life unless they get expelled by someone

Who are the sentors of Washington?

Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are the US Senators from the state.

Where the Irish sentors speak?

In Seanad Éireann which is in Leinster House in Dublin.

Can you name the two sentors from your state?

Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. What a pair I get to put out there.

What is the total number of U.S. sentors and House Of Reprsentatives?

100 members are in the Senate

What is the plural of governor?

The plural of governor-elect is governors-elect.

Name 2 of the sentors of new york?

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles E. Schumer