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This has never been confirmed/denyed/or thought of by Shawn and Mitchell, so no they are not

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

no he is dating Emily sweeney

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Q: Are Shawn Johnson and Mitchell Musso dating?
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No, Michael Phelps and Shawn Johnson are not dating.

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Shawn Johnson lives in Iowa.

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no! shawn johnson did not break a bone

What is Shawn Johnsons full name?

Shawn Machel Johnson .Peace is her signature.

A quote of Shawn Johnson?

Shawn has many quotes, you can check them out @, THE official website of Shawn Johnson.

When was Shawn Johnson born?

Shawn Johnson was born on January 19, 1992.Shawn Machel Johnson was born on January 19, 1992.

Is Shawn Johnson from Australia?

No, Shawn Johnson is from West Des Moines, Iowa.