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Q: Why have you not received your W-2G from the Texas Lottery Commission?
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How can you get your W2G at your new address for 2009?

19,310,0002009 new york

How many kis does Zeus have?

a lot! he had like a million wives. oh and you spelled "kids" wrong. w2g genius! peace out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow Zeus only had 12 or 13 kids and he only had 3 or 4 wives not "like a million" whos the "genius" now?? =]

Are gambling winnings reported bu the gambling establishment?

Any winnings that you are required to pay taxes on are reported by the casino to the IRS and to your state tax commission. In most states this would be any single hit jackpot of $1,200.00 or more. For instance, if you hit 3 Double Diamonds on a slot machine that pays $1,200.00 for that single hit, then you would pay taxes on that amount. The casino will issue you a W2G showing the taxes that you paid and the casino will report it to the IRS. But, if you were to win three $400.00 jackpots totaling $1,200.00, you would not have to pay any taxes on these jackpots. However, if you have accumulated or aggregated cash transactions (either paid into a casino or paid out from the casino to you) totaling $10,000.01, it will be reported because of the Bank Secrecy Act enacted by Congress to prevent money laundering.

What percent of your money is taken from taxes both federal and state when you win the lottery in NY?

In the US - winnings of any sort of lottery, gambling, raffle, contest, etc are taxable as ordinary income. You won INCOME from someplace...and that is what income tax is paid on.You will actually pay at your marginal rate, which depends on the tax for the State you live in (and in NY can vary within the State, especially with NYC, etc) and is on top of the US Federal rate you'll pay. That Federal rate is somewhere between 15% for low income, to about 25% for modest and quickly becoming about 32-35% for higher incomes.If the sweepstakes is a winning of over $600, they may withhold the tax from the payout, frequently at a 20% rate, albeit what is withheld is not what one actually pays.

What were the weaknesses of Germany in World War 2?

here is a short list of some of the German strengths1. very professional and well trained officer corp.(makes for well trained troops )2. superior tactics.3. commitment to the mission .4. initial trust in their leadersAnswerThe above four points are all excellent and point to Germany's military organizational structure. Additionally Germany had a large, efficient economy, second largest in the world in 1939 (being about 40% the size of #1, USA). They were first or second in the production of many industrial items such as steel, locomotives, aircraft, machine tools, aluminum, etc.They had or controlled huge supplies of a wide variety of economic resources - coal, iron ore, bauxite, lead, zinc, copper. They lacked adequate natural petroleum supplies, having access to no more than 1 or 2% of world supplies. They also lacked a variety of 'minor' mineral elements necessary to produce high quality steels. Among others these would include chrome, tungsten and nickle. Turkey, Spain and the occupied Soviet areas, in that order, produced supplies of these early but they were all gradually cut off as the war progressed.Additionally Germany had the finest chemical industry in the world. This industry enabled Germany to produce synthetic rubber, turn coal into oil, and produce various lubricant subustitutes. About half the world supply of military chemicals (poison gas, nerve agents) were in German hands.Also, Germany had a scientific community second to none before the war. German squandered some of their huge lead in this regard by Jewish persecution, Jews being very involved in this arena. Nazi psuedo science also created problems for the scientific community, cutting them off from ideas from Jewish or foreign sources. Despite being severely self handicapped, the German scientific community performed outstandingly well during the war producing many advanced weapons systems such as rockets, radar, superior submarines, jet aircraft, and the beginnings of a nuclear program. Soviet and American military technology advances in the 1950's were to a large extent both borrowed from German WWII inventions.Lastly, one needs to realized Germanys geographic position. They are a centralized nation - enabling their military to be relatively close to their supply sources for most battles. The centralized geographic position was further enhanced by the finest transportation system in the world. German rail lines were the most efficient on the globe. Additionally they had excellent highways and a top notch canal/waterway system.This combination of powerful industries, outstanding military organizational structure, intelligent scientific communities and large economic resources all overlayed with a zealous religious-like political system in Nazism, was a unique world event, not likely to be repeated. The unique combination of these factors enabled the Germans to achieve their many successes during the war. Indeed it could have enabled to Germans to completely upset the old world order by positioning themselves as a superpower.