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Melu Pereyra

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TayShaun Cook

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Q: Why does Leslie Gordon think it is a good idea for the government to make the sale of alcohol legal?
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What has the author Suzanne Gordon written?

Suzanne Gordon has written: 'The law workbook' -- subject(s): Legal composition, Legal research

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Should alcohol be legal or illegal?

Well, marijuana can be a controlled substance, although it does have the same affects of alcohol. Yes marijuana can be addictive, and people who are, are called "potheads". But our government legalizes alcohol, and that can be addictive, that's why in America we have people called "alcoholics". If they are going to make marijuana illegal, they might as well just make ALL drugs illegal. Because if you think about it... alcohol is a drug.

Legal age to buy alcohol in New South Wales?

The legal age to buy alcohol is 18.

Is it legal to purchase alcohol for someone who has had their license pulled?

Yes, so long as they are of legal age to purchase alcohol.

What is the legal age to drink alcohol in Kentucky?

The legal age to drink alcohol in the state of Kentucky is 21.

Daughter's boyfriend provides alcohol to her and she is underage is this legal?

No it is not legal.

Is it legal to sell alcohol on Good Friday in UK?

no it is not legal

What is the legal age to sell alcohol in Washington?

The legal age for alcohol nationwide is 21, but Washington has always been at 21.

Drugs and alcohol legal names?

the legal name for Alcohol IS in-deed Alcohol. some people prefer beer, wine, and other things, but that is the different types of Alcohol. and there is different names for different drugs.

Is it legal to consume alcohol underage in your home with your legal guardian or parent in Missouri?

No, it is not legal to consume alcohol underage in Missouri, even in the presence of a legal guardian or parent. The legal drinking age in Missouri is 21, and minors are prohibited from consuming alcohol in both public and private settings.

Are alcohol screening legal?
