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Q: Why did the wctu support the prohibition?
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Why did the WCTU support the cause of womans suffrage?

- if women could vote , they would vote for prohibition

Why didd the wctu support the cause of womens suffrage?

They wanted more voters who supported prohibition.

What did the wctu accomplish?

They had the eighteenth amendment passed, which was the prohibition of alcohol. The prohibition was a ban of sale and consumption of alcohol.

Who encouraged prohibition in Ontario?

The WCTU, among many other groups.

What two organizations would you want to join for prohibition?

Two prohibition organizations today are the Prohibition Party and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).

Who supported prohibition?

Women and Christians. WCTU (Women's Christian Temperence Union)

What caused the prohibition era?

Demands from the WCTU and other womens' groups along with pressure from Protestant churches caused Prohibition.

How far was the role of the Temperance Movement the most important reason for the introduction of prohibition in America?

There is no question that the temperance movement, particularly, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), was the most important political force which resulted in Prohibition in 1920. There could never have been Prohibition without the WCTU.

What were the goals of prohibition?

To prevent people from drinking any alcoholic beverages.

Who were the main supporters of prohibition?

Supporters of prohibition included the WCTU, the KKK, Protestant Churches , the Anti-Saloon League, and a large number of temperance organizations.

Where did the demand for national prohibition originate?

National Prohibition largely originated from demands of the women's movement (primarily the Woman's Christian Temperance Union or WCTU) and Protestant churches.

What was the women's christian temperance movement?

WCTU was organized in 1874 by women who were concerned about the problems alcohol was causing their families and society. The members chose total abstinence from all alcohol as their life style and protection of the home as their watchword.