

Which win straight or two pairs?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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14y ago

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A straight would win.

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Q: Which win straight or two pairs?
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What wins in poker a straight or two pairs?

The player handling the highest pair wins : an hand like AA55K will win against à KKQQA.The same if player one has 2,2,K,K,7 and player two has 2,2,J,J,K player one would win because his Cowboys(pair of Kings) beats player two's Fishing Hooks(Jacks).In the event of two players having the same two pairs, the winner is decided by the next highest card in either persons hand. Lets say Player one has 2,2,5,5,8 and player two has 2,2,5,5,J. Player two would win because of his Jack.This card is called "the Kicker", it can be a second to fifth kickerAKQ65 will beat a AKQ64

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In order to draw a straight line, two unique ordered pairs are needed. This is because two unique points determine a line and an ordered pair represents a point.

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When using a straight through cable for networking, only 3 pairs are used.

Does a full house beat 3-pairs?

Three pairs isn't possible. you have to play 5 cards. so you would play the highest two pairs. So yes, a full house would win.

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Does a 3 of kind beat two pairs?

doh yea sure it does the hand rankings go as followed: -high card -pair -two pairs -3 of a kind -straight -flush -full house -4 of a kind -straight flush -royal flush happy gamblin' ;)

Why is poker hand 2 6 the worst hand in Texas poker?

no it not , 2 7 off suite is because you have no chance of a straight of flush and small pairs hardly win after the flop.

Does a straight and 2 pair beat a straight and a pair?

No! Listed from the best hand to the worst : 1) Royal Flush 2) Straight Flush 3) Four of a Kind 4) Full House 5) Flush 6) Straight 7) Three of a Kind 8) Two Pairs 9) A Pair 10) High Card

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Lines that are straight and parallel

Explain why you can draw a continuous linear function if you only know two ordered pairs?

You can only draw one straight line through any two given points.