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Q: Which will undergo the greater rate of cooling a red hot poker in a warm oven or a red hot poker in a cold room?
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Which undergoes a faster rate of cooling a red hot poker in a warm oven or a re hot poker in a cold room?

Anything in a colder environment will cool quicker. Therefore, having the poker in a cold room will cool it quicker, and to a lower temperature.

Does ice have more cooling effect or cold water?

Ice has a greater cooling effect than cold water, as it absorbs more heat from its surroundings in order to melt and reach the same temperature as the water. Cold water, on the other hand, will only cool down the surrounding area until it reaches thermal equilibrium.

What are some Cooling treatments?

Sponge baths, cold compresses, and cold packs are all wet cooling treatments

Why when you apply heat to ammonia crystals do they create a cold gas?

When heat is applied to ammonia crystals, they absorb energy and undergo endothermic decomposition to form gaseous ammonia and hydrogen gas. This reaction consumes heat from the surroundings, causing a cooling effect. Therefore, the resulting ammonia gas feels cold.

What is a packo?

"Packo" can refer to a brand of high-quality stainless steel industrial pumps and components. These pumps are typically used in applications where hygiene and efficiency are critical, such as in the food industry.

Which one is the cooling fan motor on a 2000 Honda Accord?

get in the car when it is cold, turn on the ac, then check under the hood. the fan that is not spinning when the car is cold is the cooling fan

When ice comes in contact with skin there is a cooling sensation why?

When ice comes in contact with skin, it absorbs heat from the skin to melt, resulting in a cooling sensation. The rapid heat transfer causes the surrounding tissue to cool quickly, triggering nerve receptors that detect changes in temperature, sending signals to the brain, which interprets this as a cold sensation.

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no it does not change it is always misty and cold

Hard start cold 1997 jimmy gmc?

bad cooling sensor or bad connection at cooling sensor.

How fridge got cooling?

because there is holes who regenerate cold

Why are cats noses so cold?

It is wet and the water is evaporating, cooling it.

Why does the cooling fan turn on when engine is cold?

temperature sensor is bad