That which is laid, staked, or pledged, as between two parties, upon the event of a contest or any contingent issue; the act of giving such a pledge; a wager., of Bet, To stake or pledge upon the event of a contingent issue; to wager., imp. & p. p. of Beat., An early form of Better.
Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet was created on 2008-10-07.
i dont think it is because the people who you bet with they were suckers for it.
if i can put what i want i bet some of them are bad
Good bet
the meaning of bestie is like bet freinds
deeper meaning of from bad to worst
no i bet she will be nice and kill bad vampires like edwad and they will kill bad people like robers or creeps!
i bet pythagors was bad in school because teachers padled him
i bet they do and hey adel from, guilford middle school its me
it is xeriscaping:)i bet ur doing geography abcs
because some times it do not do things that you wanna do time i wanna bet up my intearnet because it works so bad