Scalping or scalp trading involves trading binary options' with very short expiry times, like a few seconds or a few minutes. Scalpers or traders involved in this kind of trading trade various assets at the same time, with the aim to scalp small profits with a few points. It is different from day trading in the sense that the day traders might trade just one stock for the entire day, while a scalper traders numerous trades for small profits. Scalp trading is not for those that have a weak heart and cannot bear the thought of losing, since this is a form of trading where losses are inevitable.
Binary options are "synthetic" options or digital options. These options are real in terms of validity of transaction, meaning that if you are in the money you will be paid your earnings for sure, and if you are out of the money, you will certainly lose some of your investment. The reason they are called synthetic is that you don't actually have to buy / sell the asset at the end of the trade, you just collect your earnings or pay your losses.
They were both powerhouses in terms of maritime trading.
One useful site that has lots of information on trading options is the NASDAQ site. You may recognize the name as a famous stock exchange, so any information here will certainly be of use. For individuals newer to the scene, Investopedia may be a better option. The site has lots of neat features, such as a dictionary for terms you don't understand, a page on trading strategies, and covers lots of the basics overall. A great alternative for the less savvy trader.
On Options trading there are only two possible outcomes to the trade. The trader needs to choose whether the price of an asset will go up or down. in case that you win (forecasting the right direction) you can make as much as even 80% in one hour.You need to take into account that if you lose (the asset price go to the opposite direction from your forecast) you lose all 100%. so there is big potential but a lot of risk.
These terms have been used since the beginning of options back in the tulip mania days more than a hundred years ago. The basic idea is to "Call From You" your stocks or to "Put To You" my stocks.
A pip is the smallest unit in currency trading.
What does RWA mean in the oil trading business
I think a binary tree is a thing to help you search whereas binary is 100100101010, that thing that computers use...I think the difference is that a binary tree helps you search but binary is the thing that computers use:10010101001010 The term binary refers to the idea that there are "2" options. In terms of computers at a low level, this refers to 1's and 0's (high voltage and low voltage). A binary tree is a completely different concept. It is a type of data structure with a parent node that branches down into 2 child nodes at each level. If implemented as a binary *search* tree it is pretty efficient at searching data sets that are ordered (O(log n))
The height of a complete binary tree is in terms of log(n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. The height of a complete binary tree is the maximum number of edges from the root to a leaf, and in a complete binary tree, the number of leaf nodes is equal to the number of internal nodes plus 1. Since the number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree is equal to 2^h where h is the height of the tree, we can use log2 to find the height of a complete binary tree in terms of the number of nodes.
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