

What is insurance retention?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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11y ago

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An insurance retention is the portion of an insurance claim paid by the insured instead of the insurance company. A deductible is a common example of a retention although there are other types of retentions. Retentions allow the insured to reduce insurance premiums while

assuming a portion of the risk being insured.

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Related questions

What steps are taken by an insurance company to set up its retention limit?

A retention limit is the same as a deductible. Deductibles or retention limits are part of the policy. Insurance companies don't just make up deductibles. Usually clients choose higher deductibles in exchange for lower premiums. The same goes for retention limits, in that the higher retention limit a client is willing to accept on their own the lower the premium charged to that client by the insurance company.

What is a basket retention?

Basket retention is used with programs of self-insurance. It attaches excess liability insurance once retained losses meet a specific number across multiple lines of coverage.

What are acceptable risks in a Risk Retention Group?

A Risk Retention Group is a type of insurance formed by members who associate specifically to form an insurance pool. Acceptable risk is the level of loss that such an association can handle and remain solvent.

What does risk retention mean?

Risk retention is a form of self-insurance. An organization sets aside a reserve fund to be able to offset unexpected claims.

What type of insurance has a sir deductible?

SIR stands for self insured retention. It is a deductible applied to some liability policies. The term deductible is used for insurance that covers property losses, such as the insurance that would replace your house if it burned down. Retention is a term that refers to liability insurance, insurance that pays on your behalf if your negligance caused someone else to suffer a loss. Certain liability policies,such as umbrella policies and professional liability policies require the insured to, under certain circumstances, pay for part of the loss. The self insured retention is paid by the insured before the insurance company pays for the remainder of the loss. On umbrella liability policies the self insured retention applies to losses that are not covered by underlying, primary liability policies. On professional liability policies, the self insured retention applies to all losses, and is a way for the insured to lower their premiums by retaining the risk of losses up to a certain amount.

Is SIR insurance?

"SIR" is short-hand for "Self Insured Retention" which is very similar to a "deductible". Basically, it is the amount that the insured must pay before the insurance policy is triggered.

How do you start an insurance company to self insure for fire only in Canada?

You don't need to start an Insurance Company to Self Insure. Self Insurance is defined by the absence of an Insurance Company. A self Insurer simply retains the risk of a loss. If you have a group of individuals who are wanting to Self Insure then what you will Want to Start Is a "Risk Rentention Group". Risk retention Groups are licensed by your Local Insurance Regulating Authority. You should contact them regarding rules and regulations for "Risk Retention Groups".

What is difference between active passive risk retention?

Retaining risk passively - Understanding the risk without taking any actions to prevent possible outcomes. Active retention - preparing for risk to happen, having plan for in case it would happen. Some form of self insurance (direct insurance would be form of transferring risk.)

What has the author Edward T Barrett written?

Edward T. Barrett has written: 'Implementation report, Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986' -- subject(s): Liability Insurance, Products liability Insurance

What is the difference between risk retention and risk transfer?

Risk retention is when a company decides to bear the financial impact of a potential loss itself, while risk transfer involves shifting the risk to another party through insurance or other financial arrangements. Risk retention allows a company to potentially save on insurance premiums but also exposes it to higher financial losses, while risk transfer helps mitigate potential losses by passing them onto another party.

What is the difference between relative retention time and retention time?

Retention time is the time it takes for a compound to travel from the injection point to the detector in chromatography. Relative retention time is the ratio of the retention time of a compound to that of a reference compound in the same chromatographic system. It is used for comparing the behavior of different compounds on the same chromatographic column.

Is there a deductible on liability auto insurance?

Not with respect to personal auto insurance. However, when commercial auto insurance is involved, especially fleet coverage, there sometimes is. It is not called a deductible, but a "self-insured retention". The insured selects an amount that it is willing to pay toward the indemnity of a third party before the insurer's obligation to pay is triggered.