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there is an optional rule that you earn 400 dollars instead of 200

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Q: What happens if you land on start in monopoly?
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What happens if you land on your own property in monopoly?

nuthing idiot

At the start of a game of monopoly if you throw a double six which square would you land on?


Can you buy something in Monopoly if you do not land on it?

No, you have to land on it to buy it.

What happens if you land on income tax in monopoly?

It depends what rules you play by. Either you pay the income tax to the bank or you pay it to free parking.

Which space on the monopoly do players begin on at the start of the game?

For Monopoly games all players will start at the space that is called "Go."

Does the game monopoly start with go?


What happens to price when there is monopoly?

When there is a monopoly, the general direction of prices is upward. Because of no competition, buyers have no other choice from where to purchase the products. The monopoly company is then free to raise prices at will.

What happens to price when there is a monopoly?

When there is a monopoly, the general direction of prices is upward. Because of no competition, buyers have no other choice from where to purchase the products. The monopoly company is then free to raise prices at will.

How did Henry Fords monopoly start?

Henry Ford's monopoly started because he was the only vehicle company at the time.

What happens when you doubles 3 times in a row in monopoly?

You go to jail

What was so important about monopoly?

The point of the game is to get the most money and land.

Why did HBC have an advantage over the NWC geographical wise?

They were given a large portion of land surrounding the Hudson bay. The land was called "Ruperts Land". Since the HBC owned the land they had an monopoly of its buisness. Monopoly-complete control(only people aloud to buy and sell furs there)