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the people was serious, hard workers and smart

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they did not want the rocks or stones

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Q: What can you say about the people of town in the story the lottery?
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What does the story The Lottery tell us about the concept of change Support what you say with details from the story?

The story is very detailed... And you should not spend all your lottery money

How do you render services for lottery?

Iwould say yes-its a scam. I never entered an Australian lottery?!

What town in Northern Ireland hate the English?

There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.There is no town in Northern Ireland that you could say hates the English. Individual people may, and in some towns there would be lots of them, but you could not say it of a whole town.

What is the conflict of the lottery by shirley Jackson?

The conflict of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is primarily man vs. society. The villagers blindly adhere to a cruel tradition of stoning one of their own each year, highlighting the dangers of blindly following tradition and the dark side of human nature.

Is it correct to say townspeople or townpeople?

Ive always heard it said townspeople. -----------ooooooo--------- It's a contraction of a town's people; the people of the town

What does it mean when people say cool story bro?

What it means when people say "cool story bro" is that whatever you have been talking about is interesting. Some people might say "cool story bro" in order to close that story and change the subject.

Is it Okey for saying if you won the lottery you could buy a car?

It's okay to say, "If you won the lottery, you could buy a car."

Where is the sensi on Club Penguin?

He can be anywhere from Avalanch to Yukon. Usally people say it in the town so pay attention to the town. :)

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Well, some people say its true some people say it not. My friend went to one of his shows and ask him, is this story true, were you really there. All he had to say was R.I.P Billy Jacobs..

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No, it is a scam, sorry. It is safe to say that if you did not enter a lottery you could not win it. If it sounds too good to be true, it is! Don't get scammed!

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Opinion: Yes.

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lets say you have a better chance of winning the lottery you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then winning the lottery