causes of death in morocco
Like many other places, the main cause of prostitution in Africa is poverty. It is done as a way to survive, since for many there are no job opportunities.
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Students may turn to prostitution due to financial hardship, lack of support, or coercion. They may feel that it is their only option to make ends meet or support their education. It is important to address the root causes and provide support for at-risk students to prevent their involvement in prostitution.
No religion started prostitution. Prostitution predates the bible by thousands of years.
No, prostitution is NOT legal in Nebraska.
Prostitution in Turkey is legal.
In Malaysia there is no specific law mentioned about the legality of prostitution. However, it does not mean that prostitution is legal.
Yes, prostitution (the exchange of sex for money) is legal, but brothels are illegal, prostitution is not regulated
Morocco discovered Morocco
It's believed that the high rate of poverty in Nigeria is one of the biggest factors in the rise in prostitution at institutions of higher learning. Blame also goes to wealthy politicians and businessmen who are more than willing to take advantage of the situation.