No. Suicide is not illegal. So as long as the gun is licensed for all the participants involved in the game, then no.
Russian Roulette EP was created in 2009-02.
Russian roulette
Russian Roulette - song - was created on 2009-10-26.
The duration of Russian Roulette - game show - is 1320.0 seconds.
It can be
Russian Roulette - game show - ended on 2003-06-13.
Russian Roulette - game show - was created on 2002-06-03.
Russian Roulette - Triumvirat album - was created on 1979-09-10.
Russian Roulette - 2002 I was released on: USA: 3 June 2002
Russian Roulette is a card game named after the French word meaning "small wheel".
Russian Roulette the game show? Or Russian Roulette the gun? The game show: The show has be canceled, and no longer has new contestants. The gun: You just need another willing play, a gun, and one bullet.