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Obviously, If he can say there's going to be positive change with a straight face, It just goes to show how good of a Poker face he has

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Q: Is Obama a good poker player?
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What is a good poker player?

Dont exist an unique answer for your question, but especially a good poker player is who respect the oponnent gameplay because poker, above all, is a game to have fun to play. but the poker players are not really good they are just lucky for the cards.

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The bee made a good poker player because it tricked the other players with sweet honey.

Is Barack Obama a poker player what kind of poker?

Yes. He played in a regular Wednesday night game. Stud and Holdem and I guess dealers could announce some of the silly wild card games too.

When was Poker Player created?

Poker Player was created in 2005.

Where can one learn about good strategies to bet in poker?

Yes! You could learn new poker strategies from reading another poker player's poker blog! You would just have to pay careful attention to the strategies and maneuvers which are listed in the blog.

When was Mike Watson - poker player - born?

Mike Wilson - poker player - was born in 1951.

Who has the most facebook fans Beyonce or President Obama or Texas Hold em Poker?

As of 4/13/2015, Texas HoldEm Poker has the most Facebook fans. Here are the rankings: Texas HoldEm Poker: 67,047,748 Beyoncé: 62,955,130 President Obama: 42,932,651

What does Barack Obama enjoys when he is not working?

President Obama enjoys golfing, playing Poker and Scrabble. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America.

When was Billy Baxter - poker player - born?

Billy Baxter - poker player - was born in 1940.

When was Jerry Yang - poker player - born?

Jerry Yang - poker player - was born in 1968.

When was Brandon Adams - poker player - born?

Brandon Adams - poker player - was born in 1978.

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Erik Friberg - poker player - was born in 1983.