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A 1955-D penny is worth 5 cents if its mint state is MS60 the value rises to 35 cents

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Q: How much is a s 1955 penny cost?
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How much is a 1955 S Unc-60 Lincoln head cent worth?

An MS-60 1955-S penny would sell for around $2-3 retail.

How much is a 1955-s uncirculated-60 wheat penny worth?

A 1955 S Lincoln cent in MS(Mint State)60 condition is worth around 35 cents. These coins are common and therefore are not worth very much.

What is the value of a 1955 S US penny in MS-60 condition?

As of July 11 2012 a 1955-S US penny in MS-60 condition is worth around 35 cents.

What is an Uncirculated 1955-S penny worth?

About $3.00 in MS-65

What is the least minted penny?

The 1955-s it is worth over 550,000,00 dollars!! not realy The 1955-s it is worth over 550,000,00 dollars!! not realy The 1955-s it is worth over 550,000,00 dollars!! not realy

What is the value of a 1955-s penny red bu?

Current value is $3.00-$5.00.

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the cost of gum in the 1930's was about a couple of pennies

What year pennies are rare?

Mainly 1909 S VDB Penny, and 1955 Double Die, also any Pennies under 1850 can be found of much value.

How much is a 1955 s wheat penny worth?

In spite of being struck during the last year in which San Francisco was to produce circulating coins until 1968, 1955-S cents are not particularly valuable. In average condition they retail for about a nickel. Uncirculated ones are 35-50¢.

To cost a pretty penny?

The phrase means that something is very expensive. The origin comes from a gold penny that was minted in the 1200's that was worth 20 silver pennies. Because it was gold, it was a pretty penny, and if it cost a pretty penny, it was expensive indeed.

What is the value of 1955-s Lincoln cent worth?

1 penny Also, A 1955 s Lincoln Penny can be valuable for it's doubling. Look at the dates on the coin and see if the numbers are doubled, or the inscription writings itself. If the writings or numbers are doubled, then it is worth thousands of dollars, do some research on these coins.

How much are US wheat pennies worth?

The great majority of them are worth one cent. But if you happen to have a 1955 "S" mint mark penny, I understand those are worth a fair amount of money.