It's just up to the company. They may or may not make a second offer, depending on whether they are going to stand firm on the first offer as a fair and adequate settlement or not.
The names of three safe auto insurance companies are first, Safe Auto Insurance Company based in Columbus, Ohio, second, Wal-mart Auto Insurance, and third, State Farm Insurance.
One can sell their life insurance policy and this is called Viatical Settlement. An insurance company sells insurance policy to a person. This person (viator) sells his policy to another person (viatical settlement provider). When the first person dies, the second person will benefit and cash in the money.
Every insurance company I have every dealt with offers a discount for a second vehicle added to a policy. This is a multi-car discount and usually is about 20% or so.
The insurance companies do not like to give away their money on accident settlements so they take their time for a number of reasons. One is to let them fully analyze the nature of the injury of the plaintiff and the liablilty of their insured. This keeps them from overpaying on injuries. A second, is to simply stall the issue hoping the plaintiff will get itchy for the settlement and maybe get afraid that a jury might award nothing. This makes plaintiffs agree to take less. A third is that as long as the insurance company still has the money in its own accounts, it is invested and earning money for it. Insurance companies make the most of their money by investing the premiums, not just keeping them. The longer they keep the settlement amount the more money they make on their investment. I am sure there are more than just these, but these are enough for now.
Numerous companies offer discounts on insuring a second car. Some companies include Geico, State Farm, and even Progressive. Contact one's insurance dealer to see if they offer a discount.
According to an internet search, the second European settlement in Mississippi was La Mobille.
The short answer is... yes. Insurance companies consider that situation to still be your responsibility, especially since insurance coverage follows the car first, driver second.
Insurance companies investigating or handling a claim appoint an adjuster. I know of no instance where an insured or claimant would hire an insurance companies adjuster. If you disagree with the company adjusters valuation or handling of your claim, You are welcome to go out and hire your own public adjuster to get a second opinion.
This issue arises primarily in health insurance. If there are multiple policies that arguably cover an occurrence, the policies generally contain "coordination of benefits" provisions which deal with which policy pays first (and second, and third). has a lot of information on them but I'll tell you two companies anyway. Search for MediGap and you will find them very easily. They should be the first or second links.
An individual can first contact their current car insurance provider and see how much it would cost to add a second car to their policy. One can then contact other car insurance companies to see if it would be more cost effective to get a separate policy for their second car elsewhere.