If you mean the Titans, they were thrown into Tartaros, the horrible part of Hades.
Yes, Zeus has had many enemies over time.
Helios asks Zeus to punish Odysseus's men for consuming his cattle on the island of Thrinacia, going against his orders.
No, Ares is the son of Zeus.
like a boss
myles king
Zeus, I think.
your mother
In Greek mythology, Zeus' thunderbolt was typically used to punish or defeat enemies of the gods, rather than indiscriminately harming mankind as a whole. The myths portray Zeus as having a more nuanced view of humanity, with both positive and negative traits, and his thunderbolt was reserved for specific situations where intervention was necessary.
the name of Zeus's symbol is the lighting bolt . which is a long stick Zeus gets to use to punish people who doesn't do what Zeus wants / expects.
Prometheus, a Titan.