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This depends on the house rules. By standard rules the spades royal flush does not beat the hearts royal flush, as they have an equal value.

However some house rules state that in case of an equal hand, the suit decides the winner, in which case the spades are always higher then hearts.

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It is impossible to have to off suited flush's in one game. Because there are only 5 community cards, you can only have one 5 carded flush or straight flush.

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Q: Does spades royal flush beat a hearts royal flush in poker?
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Does a diamonds royal flush beat a hearts royal flush?

No. All kinds are the same in Poker. Club, diamond, heart, Spade are all the same.

What is highest-valued hand in poker?

The Royal flush. It consists of ten, jack, queen, king, and Ace, in where all cards are the same suit. In the extremely unlikely chance of two players both have a royal flush there is a hierarchy in the suits. Diamonds are the lowest, next are clubs, then hearts and finally the highest is spades. Therefore, The absolute highest hand you can have in poker is a royal flush where all your cards are spades.

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The royal flush, which is 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, and they are all in spades.

What is a royal flush in a poker hand?

A Royal Flush Is the strongest hand in most poker variations that do not include wild cards. It consist of a five card sequence of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten all of the same suit. For examle Ten through Ace of hearts.

What beats a Royal Flush?

Nothing beats a Royal Flush. It is the highest hand you can get in poker. you can if you have a royal flush as well but having all of your hearts the same symbol and the ace... that's a higher royal flush... but only if your player has a diamond royal flush you see symbols also have power as well having a hearts royal flush clearly almost let's you beat any royal flush

Are there any poker games that the card suit can determand the winner?

Yes. A royal straight flush (10 - Jack - Queen -King - Ace) of spades beats a royal straight flush of any other suit.

How many ways are there to make a royal flushin five card stud?

There are 4 ways to make a royal flush, one for each suit. Royal flush diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs. They are all equal to each other.

What cards are in a royal flush?

The Ace is always the highest card in a royal flush. Ace, king, queen, jack, and ten is the ranking of the cards in a royal flush.

What is the highest valued hand in the poker?

Ace high straight flush AKA Royal Flush. The odds of a Royal Flush are 649739:1

Is hearts royal flush the best?


What actors and actresses appeared in Royal Flush - 2004?

The cast of Royal Flush - 2004 includes: Julianna Milka as Poker player Domokos Varga as Poker player

Does a royal flush beat four of a kind?

Yes a Royal Flush is the highest possible standard poker hand you can get.