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Many will work on contingency basis. You should check with an attorney before deciding.

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Q: Do insurance attornies work on contingency?
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Related questions

Where can you find contingency lawyers?

The website ContingencyCase lists lawyers nationwide who will work on a contingency basis. LegalMatch is another site that can help a person find a lawyer who will work on contingency.

Can legal expenses insurance be used by a solicitor of your choice?

Read the policy contract you have with the insurance company. Unless the policy states that you must use, or choose from, attornies of their choosing, you may.

How can you find an attorney that will work on contingency?

One can find an attorney that will work on contingency by comparing all available attorneys. In a contingency fee arrangement, a lawyer agrees to represent one and to get paid only if one wins.

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Can you sue a motor cycles for striking you and not the car your drivining?

Yes you can easily get a personal injury attorney on contingency and go after their insurance

If you were in an accident but your insurance lapsed how do you get your vehicle repaired?

You can start by asking politely, but when that doesn't work you can contact an attorney. Find one who will work on a contingency fee (you only pay him if you collect a settlement) because even if you win, you may never see a dime. Otherwise, just have your car repaired and DON'T EVER LET YOUR INSURANCE LAPSE AGAIN!!! Pay for your damages out of your pocket.

Why do people purchase life insurance?

Keeping in mind that insurance is intended as protection against a contingency, life insurance is purchased as protection against the contingency of death. Although death will occur to everyone at some point in time, the question of "when" is unknown and therefore, insurance may be purchased to guard against that contingency. Most frequently, it is purchased to provide a source of funds to support the survivors of the deceased who may have relied upon him/her while living. Alternatively someone or something else with an "insurable interest" in the life of the insured may be designated as the beneficiary or purchase the insurance on the insured. An example of this may be a business partner so that the business can be ongoing despite the demise of the insured.

What does a PR contingency plan address?

A contingency plan addresses a back up plan of action should the first plan not work out. This is a good idea in any business or public relations.

What are some of the social benefits and cost of the contingency-fee system?

The social benefit of a contingency-fee system is that plaintiffs will be encouraged to seek justice. The disadvantage of a contingency-fee system is that lawyers may end up getting large salaries for only a few hours of work.

Where could a company find a business contingency plan?

Business Contingency Plan is a type insurance that prepares the employees or an company to respond an unexpected event. A company can take time to prepare itself for the unexpected events by making up a procedure for these type of situations.

Is contingency theory and contingency leadership the same if not can I get the meaning of contingency leadership please Thank you?

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