have a bakugan from new vestroia and a bakuagan trap with the same attribute. say gotland power strike then, throw a gate card as fast as you can. open your gate card and activate your abilities. if you g power is higher than 500g at the end of the round you get take your opponents bakugan and keep it for yourself. more difficult but more fun.
The SCR switches on when the gate is more positive than the cathode at the same time the anode is more positive than the cathode.
A recent card with about a gigabyte of memory will be more than sufficient to play Call of Duty.The problem is that you don't know what future games you'll want to play,but these are always hungry for more power.
You can only lay down one card per turn so no.
No. It wouldn't make any sense to have a "Quick-Play Field Spell" for example.
if nemus has the higher g than yes
No, you cannot discard a card at random, unless you have more than 6 cards in your hand at the end of your turn; then you have to discard 1 card.
No, there isn't. Unless you count a Field Spell Card, which is a spell card but has its own zone, so technically you can have 6 spells active.
more than 10000 people
No,unfortunately,you can't.You aren't even allowed to have 2 cards of the same color period.One of the first rules states "Pick 3 Ability(non-metal) and 3 Gate(metal) cards. Make sure the ability card colors are different from the others,and as so with the Gate cards as well. Oh well.Just makes it a little harder to construct the card part of your team.
Ishtar gate is about one and a half miles long and the Great Wall of China is more than 3000 miles long.
The Citi Card does come in more colors than just blue. The color of the credit card depends on which card is chosen. For example they have a green Forward card and a black Diamond card.