In some cases, yes. When creditors sue the debtor and receive a judgment order from the court they can implement it as a wage garnishment against pensions that are not protected by state and/or federal law.
All SS benefits/pensions are 100% exempt from creditor attachment. In most instances military and government pensions (railroad retirement, USPS, etc.) are also exempt. However, private pensions can be garnished to some extent depending upon the laws of the state in which the debtor resides.
no way
Credit card companies could not garnish a retirement account at one time in Florida.
In Indiana, a credit card company can only garnish wages if there has been a judgment against you. If they sued you, and you lost or did not show, and the Judge determined you owed, they can garnish you. They can not do it on their own.
A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.
Yes, unfortunately
Some U.S. states allow a judgment creditor to garnish private pensions. The best option for a person who is in a situation where garnishment is possible is to obtain the advice of a qualified attorney,
Can credit card companies that take you to civil court garnish your wages or income tax return if you lose in the lawsuit
Yes...PLS check the status of limitations in California. Each states may vary.
Pension Credit was created in 2003.
Only with a court ruling against you, but you be served court papers before that can happen.